A python tool to harvest haveibeenpwned.com via domain search
- add your domains to the domain search dashboard on haveibeenpwend.com
- purchase a subscription to get an API key
- run pip install hibp-harvester
- run hibp-harvester --api_key xxxx --wait_time 3
- open created csv-file eg. in Excel
- filter for single breach names so that you can inform users about eg. latest breach or filter for dates
Please do not run the harvester too often. haveibeenpwned informs you automatically about new breaches via mail for verified domains. If you get a mail about new breach then you can run the script once to get an updated csv-file which you can then filter
Add automated tests, will be done once a test API key is avaiable, see uservoice
Contributions are always welcome, please open a pull request or an issue
hibp-harvester is developed and maintained by Joachim Mammele