BREAKING: All JRuleWhen has to be change to corresponding JRuleWhenItemChanged (as an example, look at JRule Examples documentation)
JRule When refactoring by querdenker2k PR #61
Thing Channel triggers by seime PR #62
Generate Actions by querdenker2k PR #63
Add option to get groupMembers as Items by querdenker2k PR #65
Memberof Trigger by querdenker2k PR #66
Fix buffer being read twice and breaking classloading by seime PR #67
Fix missing precondition support for timer rules by seime PR #68
Fix timer trigger by querdenker2k PR #70
Initial tests for JRuleWhenItemChange triggers by seime PR #73
Threadlocal logging - some improvements by seime PR #79
Junit test for duplicate rule invocations by seime PR #75
Add docker integration test by querdenker2k PR #77
Include old thing status in event by seime PR #80
Use thread safe list instead of arraylist by seime PR #81
Defer to parent classloader if file not found by seime PR #83
Fix inheritance in actions by querdenker2k PR #87
Fix mqtt for tests by querdenker2k PR #91
Fix ConcurrentModificationException in test by querdenker2k PR #92
Added typing for thing channel triggers, ie JRuleWhen(channel = binding_thing.triggerChannel) instead of typing the channel id string