Unofficial dotnet garmin connect client
This package allows you to request your device, activity and health data from your Garmin Connect account.
WARNING! Use the library only for personal automation without too many accounts. For other needs request access to the developer program.
dotnet add package Unofficial.Garmin.Connect
var login = "<garmin login>";
var password = "<garmin password>";
var authParameters = new BasicAuthParameters(login, password);
var client = new GarminConnectClient(new GarminConnectContext(new HttpClient(), authParameters));
- build
- pack
- set environment variables
- JB Rider
File | Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | Unit Testing | Test Runner
- JB Rider
- The first vision from cyberjunky/python-garminconnect
- Icons made by Freepik from
- Converter JSON to C#
- JetBrains Rider EAP
- and Garmin for the best devices