- Montreal, Canada
rust-libxml Public
Forked from KWARC/rust-libxmlRust wrapper for libxml2
Rust MIT License UpdatedApr 17, 2022 -
rust-blog Public
Forked from pretzelhammer/rust-blogEducational blog posts for Rust beginners
Rust Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 24, 2020 -
parse Public
Forked from r1chardj0n3s/parseParse strings using a specification based on the Python format() syntax.
Python UpdatedFeb 27, 2015 -
VertSys Public
Forked from enriquefynn/VertSysQT application to manage climbers in a gym
drorm Public archive
drorm is a simple and experimental Redis ORM made on D
clang_lua_generator Public
This is a simple tool to parse and generate Lua bindings using clang tooling infraestructure
Signals Public
Forked from pbhogan/SignalsA lightweight signals and slots implementation.
lua-cmake-source Public
Forked from ghisguth/lua-cmake-sourcecmake scripts with sources to build lua, luajit and lua modules
kdevelop-erlang Public
An attempt to port erlang to the awesome KDevelop IDE
corvogame Public
Forked from igoralmeida/corvogameWar. Risk. Corvo.
cpp-utils Public
Simple tools to use on C++ coding day-to-day