apptainer for the genome assembly coming from the pacbiohifi reads.
it includes two genome assembler and one is hifiasm and the other is verkko.
The benchmark for the assembly for these assemblers are located at my another repository genomeasembly-pacbiohifi
to invoke the hifiasm apptainer
module load singularity
apptainer run hifiasm.sif hifiasm
- to build and invoke the verkko conda based apptainer. I wrote the verkko yaml so that you can directly import and run with in the apptainer.
module load singularity
apptainer build verkko.sif verkko.def
echo ".opt/conda/etc/profile.d/conda.sh" >> $ENV_PATH
- inspect the images after the build
for i in *.sif; do apptainer inspect ${i}; done
Gaurav Sablok