An inventory of automated testing tools. What is out there, what is it good for, is it up-to-date?
We check automated testing tools and extract the key information to help you evaluate and decide between tools.
This inventory is a collective effort by students in the Model-based testing course at Chalmers/GU in the spring of 2019.
- Arjun: Appium (Mobile but w focus on Android)
- Supriya: Selenium (Web GUI testing)
- Tobias: Gauge (x-platform test automation w plugins)
- Ram: Cucumber (BDD)
- Shamala: SoapUI
- Rasti: PITest
- Vatsalya: TestComplete
- Anuradha: TestCast
- Kiki: afl - American Fuzzy Loop
- Ephraim: Hypothesis
Clone this repo, copy the templates/ file and then fill in information about your automated testing tool. Then submit it as a Pull Request on GitHub.
If you have troubles just email: robert dot feldt at gmail dot com
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