This is my project submission for the Udacity project "Dog Breed Identification".
The originally provided source code template is linked here: project dog classification.
You need a python 3.X installation and preferably a environment management like conda.
Download or clone this git repository and install the python dependencies using the following command:
# Install uda_dog environment:
conda env create -f requirements.yml
# Remove uda_dog environment:
conda remove --name uda_dog --all
To run the dog app you need to download the following images of dogs and humans:
Download the dog dataset. Unzip the folder and place it in this project's home directory, at the location
. -
Download the human dataset. Unzip the folder and place it in the home directory, at location
The project is documented in the following two files:
To run the "dog app" open and run the jupyter notebook dog_app
Grzegorz Lippe - @GrzegorzLippe - [email protected]