1 . Create network for atlassian
$ docker network create --driver bridge network-atlassian || true
$ docker network inspect network-atlassian
1 . Create volume for nginx
$ docker volume create nginxdata
$ docker volume inspect nginxdata
$ docker volume create nginxwww
$ docker volume inspect nginxwww
You will find nginxdata is located into:
/var/lib/docker/volumes/nginxdata/_data /var/lib/docker/volumes/nginxwww/_data
Copy opt/nginx/docker-compose.yml to /opt/nginx/docker-compose.yml
$ docker-compose up -d
$ docker exec -it nginx /bin/bash
$ nginx -V
1 . Compose and run docker postgre
Copy opt/postgre/docker-compose.yml to /opt/postgre/docker-compose.yml
volume links to /var/postgre_atlassian/data
$ docker-compose up -d
2 . Create database in docker postgre
$ docker exec -it postgre_atlassian /bin/bash
$ cd /var/
$ vi create_db.sh
$ sh create_db.sh
3 . Check database
$ su postgres
$ psql
postgres=# \l
postgres=# \q
1 . Create volume for jira
$ docker volume create jiradata
$ docker volume inspect jiradata
You will find jiradata is located into:
2 . Compose and run docker jira
Copy opt/jira/docker-compose.yml to /opt/jira/docker-compose.yml
$ docker-compose up -d
# check logs
$ docker logs jira
$ docker exec -it jira /bin/bash
3 . Run and restore Jira from backup file [Skip if not necessary]
restore jira data Copy the backup jira_db_xxxx.zip file to /var/atlassian/jira/import under jira image
$ docker exec -it jira /bin/bash
$ cd /var/atlassian/jira/import
$ wget http://xxxxx/jira_db_xxxx.zip
restore database data
$ docker exec -it jira /bin/bash
$ cd /var/atlassian/jira/
$ wget http://xxxxx/jira_data_xxx.tgz
$ tar -zxvf jira_data_xxx.tgz
Set license and some required configurations, go to System->Import & Export. Then restore from the db data backup file.
4 . Restart docker jira
5 . Update license
- Update license, otherwise Jira Software does not work as wished
- Go to System to execute re-index
- Update Add-ons
1 . Create volume for confluence
$ docker volume create confluencedata
$ docker volume inspect confluencedata
You will find confluencedata is located into:
2 . Compose and run docker confluence
Copy opt/confluence/docker-compose.yml to /opt/confluence/docker-compose.yml
$ docker-compose up -d
# check logs
$ docker logs confluence
$ docker exec -it confluence /bin/bash
3 . Run and restore Confluence [Skip if not necessary]
- Hostname: postgre_atlassian
- Port: 5432
- Database name: confdbname
- Username: confdbusername
You can restore data by installation.(To avoid problem by installation, recommend to create a user account, complete the configuration and then restore after login) Copy the backup confluence_xxxx.zip file to /var/lib/docker/volumes/confluencedata/_data/restore/confluence_xxxx.zip
You can also restore later, go to System -> General Configuration -> Backup and Restore. Then restore from the backup file.
$ docker exec -it confluence /bin/bash
$ cd /var/atlassian/confluence/restore
$ wget http://xxxxx/confluence_xxxx.zip
4 . Restart docker confluence
5 . Update license
- Update license, otherwise Confluence Software does not work as wished
- Go to System to execute re-index
- Install required Add-ons
1 . Create volume for bitbucket
$ docker volume create bitbucketdata
$ docker volume inspect bitbucketdata
You will find bitbucketdata is located into:
2 . Compose and run docker bitbucket
Copy opt/bitbucket/docker-compose.yml to /opt/bitbucket/docker-compose.yml
$ docker-compose up -d
# check logs
$ docker logs bitbucket
$ docker exec -it bitbucket /bin/bash
3 . Run and restore bitbucket [Skip if not necessary]
set configuration when install bitbucket, it is better to give one temprary database, to avoid dropping database before dump.
- Hostname: postgre_atlassian
- Port: 5432
- Database name: confdbname_tmp
- Username: confdbusername
Or go to /var/atlassian/bitbucket/shared folder and edit the bitbucket.properties file.
After installation, restore database
$ docker stop bitbucket
$ docker exec -it postgre_atlassian /bin/bash
$ cd /var/
$ wget http://xxxxx/bitbucket_xxxxx.bak
$ su postgres
$ psql
$ drop database bitbucketdb;
# then create database depends on create_db.sh
$ create database bitbucketdb;
$ GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE bitbucketdb TO bitbucketdbuser;
$ ALTER database bitbucketdb owner to bitbucketdbuser;
$ \q
$ psql bitbucketdb < /var/bitbucket_xxxxx.bak
$ docker start bitbucket
Install bitbucket, create a user account, complete the configuration.
Copy the backup bitbucket_data_xxxx.tgz file to /var/lib/docker/volumes/bitbucketdata/_data/shared/bitbucket_data_xxxx.tgz
$ docker exec -it bitbucket /bin/bash
$ cd /var/atlassian/bitbucket/shared/
$ wget http://xxxxx/bitbucket_data_xxxx.tgz
$ tar -zxvf bitbucket_data_xxxx.tgz
4 . Restart docker bitbucket
5 . Update license
- Update license, otherwise bitbucket Software does not work as wished
- Go to System to execute re-index
- Install required Add-ons