The bubbleRob should find a colored cube in a very simple world. The default is the red one, but this can be changed in config file.
- SARSA Algorithm
- Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP)
- autosetup routines for linux
- global config file (config.ini)
- state of network can be saved and loaded
- configurable number of hidden layers in MLP
- install python module dependencies, those are: numpy and dill
- save this directory anywhere in your filesystem
- edit the value of vrepPath in config.ini to met your local installation of V-REP
- add the following lines to remoteApiConnections.txt in your V-REP base directory:
portIndex2_port = 19999
portIndex2_debug = false
portIndex2_syncSimTrigger = true
- (re)start v-rep after adding this lines
- run, symlinks should be created automatically; if you skipped the last step, the script will tell you what to do
- if creation of symlinks fails, try it manually (,, and rerun
- before running, start V-REP and load the .ttt scene file
- the script is kind of interactive
- it will ask if you want to load a previous network state before starting the simulation
- you can stop the script by pressing ENTER, current run will be finished before the simulation is stopped
- after the simulation ends, the script will ask if you want to save the current network state
- network states will be saved in the "saved" subfolder, when you're promted for filenames, enter them without extension
- don't quit the script by pressing strg/cmd + c, because this will mess up the simulation and you won't be able to save the current state
- the script can be configured in config.ini; you will find further explanations in the comments of this ini file
- neuronal network class, SARSA and MLP are combined here; used by
- config.ini: config file; parsed in
- find_the_cube.ttt: (binary) scene file for V-REP
- class that implements Layers for MLP, used by and
- class that implements a customizable MLP with a variable number of layers; used by
- you're currently reading this
- controller class for bubbleRob, implements functions to move the rob and to get (and process) the vision sensor; used by
- python shell script where all the magic starts
- dill is used in save_network function instead of the native module pickle because of problems with lambda functions; see this stackoverflow thread for more information
- reimplement MLP with numpy for better performance
- use the syncronus mode of V-REP for more precise calculations
- improve learning
- implement auto-setup routines for windows and mac os
- autostart V-REP and autoload scene
- better UI (integration in V-REP seems to be possible)
- Visualisation for learning process