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Using multiple node support and load balancing policy in Kundera

Vivek Mishra edited this page Jun 23, 2013 · 9 revisions

Multiple node support and configuring load balancing policies are now supported within Kundera(Cassandra only). Please refer here for more details.Multiple node support can be used as:

Multiple nodes on same port

In case all Cassandra nodes are running on same port(say 9160). So minimal required configuration is:

<property name="kundera.nodes" value=",,," />
<property name="kundera.port" value="9160" />

in persistence.xml.

To configure load balancer for available set of properties(see Load balancing specific properties section), you need to create an external file say(KunderaNodeConfig.xml) as:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     <!-- Load balancing specific configuration -->
	<property name="loadbalancing.policy" value="roundrobin"></property>
        <property name="retry" value="true"></property>
        <property name="retry.delay" value="1"></property>
        <property name="max.wait" value="3000"></property> 

Multiple nodes with different port

In case different Cassandra nodes are running on different ports, it is required to map such configurations in form of "external file" configuration as(say KunderaNodeConfig.xml):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	    <property name="testonborrow" value="true"></property>
	    <property name="testwhileidle" value="true"></property>
    	    <property name="testonconnect" value="true"></property>
	    <property name="testonreturn" value="true"></property>
	    <property name="socket.timeout" value="120000"></property>
	    <property name="failover.policy" value=""></property>
	    <property name="retry" value="true"></property>
	    <property name="" value="31"></property>

	     <property name="testonborrow" value="true"></property>
	     <property name="testwhileidle" value="true"></property>
	     <property name="testonconnect" value="true"></property>
	     <property name="testonreturn" value="true"></property>
	     <property name="socket.timeout" value="120000"></property>
	     <property name="failover.policy" value=""></property>
	     <property name="retry" value="true"></property>
	     <property name="" value="33"></property>
     <!-- Load balancing specific configuration -->
	<property name="loadbalancing.policy" value="roundrobin"></property>
        <property name="retry" value="true"></property>
        <property name="retry.delay" value="1"></property>
        <property name="max.wait" value="3000"></property> 

Next step is to map such external configuration file(KunderaLoadConfig.xml) within persistence.xml as:

<property name="" value="KunderaLoadConfig.xml" /> 

Managing Load balancing policy

Load balancing specific configuration can be defined within external configuration file as:

	<property name="loadbalancing.policy" value="roundrobin"></property>
        <property name="retry.delay" value="1"></property>

Load balancing specific properties

Available set of properties for load balancing are:

Property Value
retry true/false
loadbalancing.policy roundrobin,leastactive
testonborrow true/false
testonreturn true/false
testonconnect true/false
testwhileidle true/false
socket.timeout Socket time out(in seconds) Maximum active number of connection in pool.
retry.delay retry delay(in seconds)
max.wait wait time in case all active connections are busy(in mili seconds)


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