This repository has been archived by the owner on Mar 17, 2024. It is now read-only.
New functionality
- Apps and project templates added as separate folders (can be installed via CLI)
- CLI has been refactored
- Added support for MLflow
- Default environments (images) added to "default" project template
- Functionalities added to CLI, including "insecure" mode enabling local deployment without certificates
- Support for setting app tags added
- New static files for django admin site
- Various updated to the UI for easier navigation and structure
- Model cards added after model deployment, also support in CLI
- Can now deploy STACKn in either debug mode with the develop server, or in production mode with gunicorn and serving static content with nginx
- Reloader added for making updates on change on ConfigMaps and Secrets
Bug fixes
- Fix in publishmodel object: onetoone project field to foreignkey
- Keycloak resources now deleted properly when project is deleted
- Random credentials are now generated when creating new projects from templates
- Fix bug in celery worker deployment
- Longer length of project names is now allowed
- Deleting projects via CLI now works
- Various bug fixes in UI
- Various minor bug fixes