MAKEITSO - get to viable at warp speed
Startup your frontend/theme development
- Frontend setup
- Bolt theme starting point
MAKEITSO started out as 'flat' frontend project but now is incorporated in a Bolt CMS ( theme. You can view the 'flat' example html files in the /dist/ folder
Clone the repo and view the four available HTML pages in your browser by going to "/dist/index.html"
Or -like you should- use Bolt CMS, clone this repo in the Bolt themes folder of your project and go to: "[projectroot]/theme/makeitso/dist/index.html"
- index.html
- article.html
- listing.html
- form.html
Base templates are viewable in your browser after running 'npm install' and 'npm start' or, in a Bolt installation, after cloning the theme in the themes folder: [webroot]/theme/makeitso/dist/index.html
- Clone the repo. Preferably in the /theme folder of your Bolt 4 installation (see
- Go to /makeitso and run 'npm install' to install all required dev dependecies
- See package.json for the scripts and set your localdev environment.
- Run 'npm start'. This will build and watch the scss and js files, and set up a browsersynced environment
MAKEITSO is a stripped down startup kit. Not a frontend framework. It has some basic styling to get you started. This version is however a bit more opinionated. Some base design cases are already filled in. The CSS selectors might help you get up and running, so give it a shot.
SASS/SCSS files are compiled with NPM scripts. There is a screen.scss file in /source/scss. This references all required partials. You can see in the file it starts with _base.scss. The _base.scss file contains all your settings, variables [vair-ee-uh-buh-l's], and mixins. After that _normalize.scss is imported and used. This is a copy of the version of normalize.css, just renamed to .scss. I update it now and then. All SASS partials are in the _modules subfolder. Some choices have been made about dividing/splitting up SCSS into several partials. _layout.scss should only contain layout/positioning for the scaffolding/setup of the page(s) at a high level. The names of the other partials should give you insight into what's there to find. As a general rule, if it's styling for a block or other piece of content, put it in _theme.scss. If the combined amount of lines exceeds around 50 lines of code, put it in it's own partial file. (e.g. _search.scss)
NPM Scripts. All compiling, autoprefixing, minifying and compressing is done with NPM Scripts. No Grunt/Bower/GULP/Something
CSS - in package.json you'll see some scripts for compiling the scss to the main screen.css file in the '/dist/css/' folder. If, for development sake, you want a not-minified CSS file, change the compressed parameter in the 'scss:' task in package.json
JAVASCRIPT - in package.json you'll see some scripts for combining and minifying the javascript files into one minified scripts.js. That one is available at /dist/js/. The custom.js fiel is the main JS file for UI and interaction stuff. If you would like to add a js file (of a third party) you must specify it in the package.json file in the jsFiles variable and add the file to the /source/js/lib folder. Add the file location to the "uglifyjs" task in package.json, in the js order you would like
EXTRA CONTENTBLOCKS example yaml file for Bolt 4 websites - In the MAKEITSO theme 'config' subfolder you will find an example 'contenttypes.dist.yaml' file. This contains a yaml repeated node you can use in your Bolt 4 contenttypes.yaml in the main Bolt installation 'config' folder. When added this works together with the templating in the file '_contentblocks.twig' which you can find in the MAKEITSO theme subfolder 'partials'. The basic Bolt 4 templates in MAKEITSO already include this partial.
Make it so
Homepage on tablets
Menu mobile
Form page
Form page, 2