AlmaLinux Build System Web-Server (albs-web-server) is designed to control multiple Build System processes like build, sign and release packages. Depending on a request, Web-Server assigns a build from the queue as a task for the Build Node or the Sign Node.
Web-server receives a request from the Build Node, and if there is an idle (not started) task, it sends this task to the Build Node. It also works with failed
and started
statuses depending on a build result from the Build Node.
Web-server allows to maintain platforms for builds - you can add a new platform with architectures. Authorization to the Web-server is via GitHub. It makes it possible for a user to maintain builds, create, delete, etc.
Web-server works with gitea_listener
and git_cacher
Web-server also works with PULP.
Mentioned tools and libraries are required for ALBS Web-Server to run in the current state:
- PostgreSQL == 13
- Pulp
- Redis
- Nginx
- Docker
- Docker-compose
This config file is needed for the Web-Server to launch gitea-listener:
mqtt_queue_host: mosquitto
mqtt_queue_port: 1883
mqtt_queue_topic_unmodified: gitea-webhooks-unmodified
mqtt_queue_topic_modified: gitea-webhooks-modified
mqtt_queue_qos: 2
mqtt_client_id: albs_gitea_listener
mqtt_queue_clean_session: False
albs_address: http://web_server:8080
You can start the system using the Docker Compose tool.
tools are installed and set up;
To start the system, run the following command: docker-compose up -d
. To rebuild images after your local changes, just run docker-compose up -d --build
In case you are building containers for the first time, there is how it should be done:
set -e pipefail
mkdir -p volumes/pulp/settings
echo "CONTENT_ORIGIN='http://pulp'
TOKEN_AUTH_DISABLED=True" >> volumes/pulp/settings/
docker-compose up -d --build --force-recreate --remove-orphans
sleep 25
docker exec -it albs-web-server_pulp_1 bash -c 'pulpcore-manager reset-admin-password --password="admin"'
(inside web_server container)
PYTHONPATH="." alembic --config alws/alembic.ini revision --autogenerate -m "Migration name"
Web-server works with multiple parts of the Build System. Web-server works with API requests that are divided by usage.
POST /ping
endpoint accepts the following payload:
node_status: {
active_tasks: list # accepts a list of integer values;
POST /build_done
endpoint accepts the following payload:
build_done: {
task_id: integer # accepts a integer value;
status: string # accepts literal values that are 'done', 'failed', 'excluded';
artifacts: {
name: string # accepts a string value;
type: string # accepts literal values that are 'rpm', 'build_log';
href: string # accepts a string value;
GET /get_task
endpoint accepts the following payload:
request: {
supported_arches: list # accepts a list of string values;
This endpoint has a response model that returns information about the platform:
id: integer # accepts an integer value;
arch: string # accepts a string value;
ref: {
url: string # accepts a string value;
git_ref: accepts an optional string value # it's an optional value that allows to be absent;
platform: {
name: string # accepts a string value;
type: string # accepts literal values that are 'rpm', 'deb';
data: dictrionary # dictionary, where a key should be a string while a value could be of any type;
created_by: {
name: string # accepts a string value;
email: string # accepts a string value;
repositories: string # accepts a list of string values that are 'name' and 'url';
linked_builds: accepts a list of integer values # it's an optional value that allows being absent;
endpoint accepts the following payload:
build: {
platforms: { # check that a list has at least one item;
name: string # accepts a string value;
arch_list: list # accepts a list of string values;
tasks: { # check that a list has at least one item;
url: string # accepts a string value;
git_ref: accepts an optional string value # it's an optional value that allows being absent;
linked_builds: accepts a list of integer values # it's an optional value that allows being absent;
This endpoint has a response model that returns information about the platform:
id: integer # accepts an integer value;
created_at: datetime # accepts date time like year,month, etc;
tasks: {
id: integer # accepts an integer value;
ts: accepts date time timestamp like year, month, etc # it's an optional value that allows to be absent;
status: integer # accepts an integer value;
index: integer # accepts an integer value;
arch: string #accepts a string value;
platform: {
id: integer # accepts an integer value;
type: string # accepts a string value;
name: string # accepts a string value;
arch_list: list # accepts a list of string values;
ref: {
url: string # accepts a string value;
git_ref: accepts an optional string value # it's an optional value that allows to be absent;
artifacts: {
id: integer # accepts an integer value;
name: string # accepts a string value;
type: string # accepts a string value;
href: string # accepts a string value;
user: {
id: integer # accepts an integer value;
username: string # accepts a string value;
email: string # accepts a string value;
linked_builds: accepts a list of integer values # it's an optional value that allows being absent;
this endpoint has a response model that returns one of the options.
It can return a list of platforms:
id: integer # accepts an integer value;
created_at: datetime # accepts date time like year, month, etc;
tasks: {
id: integer # accepts a integer value;
ts: accepts date time timestamp like year, month, etc # it's an optional value that allows to be absent;
status: integer # accepts an integer value;
index: integer # accepts an integer value;
arch: string # accepts a string value;
platform: {
id: integer # accepts an integer value;
type: string # accepts a string value;
name: string # accepts a string value
arch_list: list # accepts a list of a string values;
ref: {
url: string # accepts a string value;
git_ref: optional string value # it's an optional value that allows to be absent;
artifacts: {
id: integer # accepts an integer value;
name: string # accepts a string value;
type: string # accepts a string value;
href: string # accepts a string value;
user: {
id: integer # accepts an integer value;
username: string # accepts a string value;
email: string # accepts a string value;
linked_builds: string value # it's an optional value that allows being absent;
or it can return the following information about the platform:
builds: {
id: integer # accepts an integer value;
created_at: datetime # accepts date time like year, month, etc;
tasks: {
id: integer # accepts an integer value;
ts: datetime timestamp like year, month, etc # it's an optional value that allows to be absent;
status: integer # accepts an integer value;
index: integer # accepts an integer value;
arch: string # accepts a string value;
platform: {
id: integer # accepts an integer value;
type: string # accepts a string value;
name: string # accepts a string value
arch_list: list # accepts a list of string values;
ref: {
url: string # accepts a string value;
git_ref: optional string value # it's an optional value that allows to be absent;
artifacts: {
id: integer # accepts an integer value;
name: string # accepts a string value;
type: string # accepts a string value;
href: string # accepts a string value;
user: {
id: integer # accepts an integer value;
username: string # accepts a string value;
email: string # accepts a string value;
linked_builds: string value # it's an optional value that allows being absent;
total_builds: optional integer value # it's an optional value that allows being absent;
current_page: optional integer value # it's an optional value that allows to be absent;
GET /{build_id}/
endpoint accepts an integer value build_id
. This endpoint has a response model that returns information about the platform:
id: integer # accepts an integer value;
created_at: datetime # accepts date time like year, month, etc;
tasks: {
id: integer # accepts an integer value;
ts: date time timestamp like year, month, etc # it's an optional value that allows to be absent;
status: integer # accepts an integer value;
index: integer # accepts an integer value;
arch: string # accepts a string value;
platform: {
id: integer # acceptrs an integer value;
type: string # accepts a string value;
name: string # accepts a string value
arch_list: list # accepts a list of string values;
ref: {
url: string # accepts string value;
git_ref: optional string value # it's an optional value that allows to be absent;
artifacts: {
id: integer # accepts an integer value;
name: string # accepts a string value;
type: string # accepts a string value;
href: string # accepts a string value;
user: {
id: integer # accepts an integer value;
username: string # accepts a string value;
email: string # accepts a string value;
linked_builds: string value # it's an optional value that allows being absent;
accepts the following payload:
distribution: {
name: string # accepts a string value;
platforms: list # accepts a list of a string values;
This endpoint has a response model that returns information about the platform:
id: integer # accepts an integer value;
name: string # accepts a string value;
POST /add/{build_id}/{distribution}/
endpoint accepts a string distribution
value and an integer build_id
value. This endpoint has a response model that returns a dictionary, where the key should be a string while the value could be of boolean type.
POST /remove/{build_id}/{distribution}/
endpoint accepts a string distribution
value and an integer build_id
value. This endpoint has a response model that returns a dictionary, where the key should be a string while the value could be of boolean type.
endpoint has a response model that returns the list of platforms:
id: integer # accepts an integer value;
name: string # accepts a string value;
endpoint accepts the following payload:
name: string # accepts a string value;
type: literal # accepts literal values that are 'rpm', 'deb';
distr_type: string # accepts a string value;
distr_version: string # accepts a string value;
test_dist_name: string # accepts a string value
arch_list: list # accepts a list of a string values;
repos: {
name: string # aceppts a string value;
arch: string # accepts a string value;
url: string # accepts a string value;
type: string # accepts a string value;
data: dictionary # dictionary with a key should be a string while a value could be any type.
This endpoint has a response model that returns information about the platform:
id: integer # accepts an integer value;
name: string # accepts a string value;
arch_list: list # accepts list of a string values;
endpoint accepts the following payload:
name: strint # accepts a string value;
type: literal value that is 'rpm' or 'deb' # it's an optional value that allows to be absent;
distr_type: string value # it's an optional value that allows to be absent;
distr_version: string value # it's an optional value that allows to be absent;
arch_list: list of string values # it's an optional value that allows to be absent;
repos: { # this is optional and allows to be absent;
name: string # accepts a string value;
arch: string # accepts a string value;
url: string # accepts a string value;
type: string # accepts a string value;
data: dictionary, where a key should be a string while a value could be of any type # it's an optional value that allows being absent;
This endpoint has a response model that returns information about the platform:
id: integer # accepts an integer value;
name: string # accepts a string value;
arch_list: list # accepts a list of string values;
has a response model that returns a list of platforms:
id: integer # accepts an integer value;
name: string # accepts a string value;
arch_list: list # accepts a list of string values;
GET /alma
has a response model that returns a list of platforms:
name: string # accepts a string value;
clone_url: string # accepts a string value;
tags: list # accepts a list of string values;
branches: list # accepts a list og string values;
POST /{test_task_id}/result/
endpoint accepts an integer test_task_id
value and the following payload:
result: {
api_version: string # accepts a string value;
result: dictionary # a dictionary where a key and a value are of any type;
PUT /build/{build_id}/restart
endpoint accepts an integer build_id
PUT /build_task/{build_task_id}/restart
endpoint accepts an integer build_task_id
GET /{build_task_id}/latest
endpoint accepts an integer build_task_id
value. This endpoint has a response model that returns a list of platforms:
id: integer # accepts an integer value;
package_name: string # accepts a string value;
package_version: string # accepts a string value;
package_release: string value # it's an optional value that allows to be absent;
status: integer # accepts an integer value;
revision: integer # accepts an integer value;
alts_response: dictionary # a dictionary where a key and a value are of any type;
GET /{build_task_id}/{revision}
endpoint accepts an integer build_task_id
value and an integer revision
value. This endpoint has a response model that returns a list of platforms:
id: integer # accepts an integer value;
package_name: string # accepts a string value;
package_version: string # accepts a string value;
package_release: string value # it's an optional value that allows to be absent;
status: integer # accepts an integer value;
revision: integer # accepts an integer value;
alts_response: dictionary # a dictionary where a key and a value are of any type;
POST /login/github
endpoint accepts the following payload:
user: {
code: string # accepts a string value;
This endpoint has a response model that returns information about the platform:
id: integer # accepts an integer value;
username: string # accepts a string value;
email: string # accepts a string value;
jwt_token: string # accepts a string value;
endpoint has a response model that returns information about the platform:
id: integer # accepts an integer value;
username: string # accepts a string value;
email: string # accepts a string value;
All issues should be reported to the Build System project.