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Building The Project

TimMurphy edited this page Oct 12, 2010 · 2 revisions

You will need Visual Studio 2010 with C# and C++ support.

The original project had minimal build instructions and has two external dependancies that are not mentioned (one however is probably due to Microsoft removing the library from the latest Visual Studio distribution); these dependancies have been packaged (as .zip) files and have to be extracted before the project is built, this is to ensure that all developers working on the project are using the same code.

Create the root folder you wish to develop partcover.net4 in. Start a Git Bash at that folder. If you are using TortiseGit right-click on the folder and select Git Bash Here

In Git Bash enter the following commands.

mkdir partcover.git
mkdir partcover.git/working
git clone git:// partcover.git/working/partcover.net4
cd partcover.git/working/partcover.net4

The development environment for partcover.net4 has been created. You will find the main solution file at partcover.git/working/partcover.net4/main/PartCover.sln

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