This guide will demonstrate,
- How to create a new project in OpenShift
- Launch your first application
- Learn how to trigger new builds/images when you make your first Github commit
Sign up for OpenShift online
Sign up for a GitHub account if you don't have one
Click on Add to Project
Select Python under Browse Catalog
Select Django + PostgreSQL (Persistent)
Login to Github
You must now have your own django-ex repository (<your-github-username>/django-ex
) -
Copy the URL<your-github-username>/django-ex
& go back to OpenShift UI -
In the window My-Project > Add to Project > Catalog > Django + PostgreSQL (Persistent) add your Github URL to the Git Repository URL field
Click Create -
In the next window, you will be given instructions to download the OpenShift client & also to create your first project. There is also a URL under Making code changes block
Save this URL -
Go to<your-github-username>/django-ex/settings/hooks
Paste the URL you saved from the previous step into the Payload URL field
Change Content-type to application/json
Click Add Webhook
A build should've been started by now. After the build has completed, you will find a URL in the Overview tab in OpenShift UI
Clicking the URL should open your django web application
Make some changes to the code, either in Github UI or on your local machine
For example change the header in<your-github-username/django-ex/blob/master/welcome/templates/welcome/index.html
Commit the changeBEFORE: line 214: <h1>Welcome to your Django application on OpenShift</h1> AFTER: line 214: <h1>This is my 1st Django application on OpenShift</h1>
This change should trigger a new build automatically
Clicking on the URL should open the application, which is deployed with the changes you made