This is a stock sentiment analysis project.
- DB potential schema- lucidchart
- Example DB tables
- General pipeline - graph
- General pipeline building
- Docker
- Python 3.10
- Poetry 1.7.1
- Node 18.19.0
- Yarn 4.1.0
- PostgreSQL 16.2.0
cp .vscode.example .vscode
For Docker, make sure you bump the resources it can be allocated:
- CPU limit:
- Memory limit:
16 GB
- Swap:
1.5 GB
- Virtual disk limit:
160 GB
Add following to /etc/hosts
TODO: this might not be necessary still? * database
NOTE: For M1 Macs only
export DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM=linux/amd64
brew install nvm [email protected] postgresql@16
curl -sSL | python 3 - --version 1.8.2
nvm install $(cat .nvmrc) && nvm use
Create .env
cp .env.example .env
Make scripts for reverse proxy executable and run
chmod +x nginx-reverse-proxy/ nginx-reverse-proxy/ nginx-reverse-proxy/
Initial install for frontend:
cd app
nvm use #=> this should set your Node version to 18.20.2
corepack yarn install
Initial install for backend:
cd server
poetry install
Download Docker Desktop and start it
brew install postgresql@16
brew services stop postgresql@16 # <= need to stop server started by Homebrew as it'll interfere with our container
brew install [email protected]
curl -sSL | python 3 - --version 1.8.2
brew install nvm
nvm install $(cat .nvmrc) && nvm use
cd web
corepack enable && yarn install
docker compose build
./ db init && ./ db seed
docker compose up all -d
Then navigate to
To run the scraper:
docker compose up scraper --build -d
Run current database migrations:
docker compose run --rm server alembic upgrade head
Reset to base version
docker compose run --rm server alembic downgrade
Run revisions:
docker compose run --rm server alembic revision -m "some migration message"
Autogenerate revisions:
docker compose run --rm server alembic revision --autogenerate -m "some migration message"
Run current database migrations for test database:
docker compose run -e DATABASE_NAME=test_the_money_maker server alembic upgrade head
Run tests with:
docker compose run -e DATABASE_NAME=test_the_money_maker -e ENV=test --rm server python -m pytest -s --import-mode=append
Or run in watch mode:
docker compose run -e DATABASE_NAME=test_the_money_maker -e ENV=test --rm server pytest-watch