rDBwrappers are rudimentary wrapper-functions for performing SELECT queries using standard CLI database clients: hive (for Apache Hive) and psql (for Postgres)
Source the latest version of rDBwrappers in your R-code as follows:
source("https://github.com/satpreetsingh/rDBwrappers/raw/master/RdbWrappers.R") # Source from a URL or from a locally downloaded version
- The following instructions are for using the functions on R on clients where the hive & psql clients are already installed. In any other situation, create aliases OR install local hive & psql clients as required.
- Functions return data.frames with properly named column-names for psqlGetQuery(). For hiveGetQuery(), names need to be manually added as Hive does not return such metadata
- Post-processing is required to set the correct data-type for the returned data.frame's columns. rDBwrappers uses R's read.table() function which identifies integer & numeric types automatically. Everything else is a string (ie. stored as a factor)
Sample Query
- Create query statement & execute
q = "SELECT column_name1,column_name2 FROM table_name LIMIT 10"
df = hiveGetQuery(q) #Executes query using CLI hive command
Post-processing example
Set names for the data.frame columns
q = "describe table_name"
ndf = hiveGetQuery(q)[,1]
ndf = ndf[1:length(ndf)-1]
names(df) <- ndf
Set column classes where required
df$search_date = as.Date(df$search_date) #So on...
Before you can use the psqlGetQuery() function, you need to setup your pgpass file. Don't forget to chmod 0600 it. Note how doing this means that your code will not contain your password (doing otherwise would be a very poor scripting practice)
Sample Query
- Setup DB connection parameters, create query statement & execute
query="SELECT column_name1,column_name2 FROM table_name LIMIT 10"
df = psqlGetQuery(query, dbname, host, username) #executes query using psql command
Post-processing example
- Set column classes where required
df$date_column = as.Date(df$date_column) #So on...
Alternative example Using RJDBC (only Postgres, not Hive)
Example code
install.packages("RJDBC", repos="http://cran.r-project.org", dep=TRUE) #Install required packages
drv <- JDBC("org.postgresql.Driver", "/Users/ssingh/jdbc/postgresql-8.1-407.jdbc3.jar", identifier.quote="`") #Instatiate driver
`conn <- dbConnect(drv, "jdbc:postgresql://db.mydatabase.com/databasename", "username", "pwd") #make connection```
dbListTables(conn) #list tables
sql = "SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE date >= '2011-04-01';" #create query statement
rs = dbGetQuery(conn, sql) #get ResultSet as a data.frame
As with installing other R libraries, the R library folder must be writable by your user-id (that's executing it). On a Linux-based system it will most likely be /usr/lib/R/library/