We extracted title information from a dataset "福祉用具ヒヤリ・ハット情報", which is provided by The Association for Technical Aids, as Oops situation. "利用者の足がフットサポートから落ちてしまい,車いすに巻き込みそうになる" (English translation: A wheelchair was about to catch foot of an elderly person when his/her foot falled from foot-support of the wheelchair.) is an example of Oops situation. We also generated triple of natural language question, corresponding computer-interpretable query to the question and the result extracted from "Example of structured manuals for elderly care," which is a procdedural knowledge base about elderly care and the detailed information is mentioned below. This data-set Oops Solver QA dataset contains Oops situation, natural language question, computer interpretable query, and extracted information from "Example of structured manuals for elderly care".
A structured manual is a kind of procedural manual which represents a goal and required actions to realize the goal by rectangle nodes and links among them.
Following figure shows a legend of its graphical representation.
You can find the detailed information here.
The Association for Technical Aids: 福祉用具ヒヤリ・ハット情報, http://www.techno-aids.or.jp/hiyari/
Please cite "Oops-solver-QA-dataset (https://github.com/satoshinishimura2460/Oops-solver-QA-dataset/)" if you utilize this dataset under the licence.
We will add publication information about this dataset here.
Nishimura, S., Oshiyama, C., Oota, Y.: Towards “Oops! solver” for elderly care: structured manuals and its evaluation, International Conference on Nursing Informatics (2020). (Submission)
- Update of the contents
- We will update the contents which contains errors.
- We will add other 5-tuples to the dataset.
公益財団法人テクノエイド協会: 福祉用具ヒヤリ・ハット情報, http://www.techno-aids.or.jp/hiyari/
Nishimura, S., Oshiyama, C., Oota, Y.: Towards “Oops! solver” for elderly care: structured manuals and its evaluation, International Conference on Nursing Informatics (2020). (Submission)
- 内容の更新
- 必要に応じて不備のある内容を更新する.
- 困りごとと質問文の組を追加する.