This repository contains code for the paper DisCont: Self-Supervised Visual Attribute Disentanglement using Context Vectors. Video available here.
Disentangling the underlying feature attributes within an image with no prior supervision is a challenging task. Models that can disentangle attributes well provide greater interpretability and control. In this paper, we propose a self-supervised framework DisCont to disentangle multiple attributes by exploiting the structural inductive biases within images. Motivated by the recent surge in contrastive learning paradigms, our model bridges the gap between self-supervised contrastive learning algorithms and unsupervised disentanglement. We evaluate the efficacy of our approach, both qualitatively and quantitatively, on four benchmark datasets.
In case you find this work useful, consider citing:
title={DisCont: Self-Supervised Visual Attribute Disentanglement using Context Vectors},
author={Sarthak Bhagat and Vishaal Udandarao and Shagun Uppal},
In order to install the required libraries, clone our repository and run the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
In our paper, we evaluate the efficacy of our approach on a set of four publicly available datasets. Download any of these datasets and place them inside another folder in order to begin training.
Begin training the DisCont model by running the following script.
Customize training by varying the latent structure using the given set of flags.
--z_chunk_size Dimension of each Latent Chunk
--z_num_chunks Number of Latent Chunks
--c_chunk_size Dimension of each Context Vector Chunk
--c_num_chunks Number of Context Vector Chunks
--num_specified_chunks Number of Specified Chunks in the Latent Space
--num_unspecified_chunks Number of Unspecified Chunks in the Latent Space
For evaluation of the trained model using feature swapping, run the following command.
In order to plot the latent space visualizations, run the following command.
If you face any problem in running this code, you can contact us at {sarthak16189, vishaal16119, shagun16088}
Copyright (c) 2020 Sarthak Bhagat, Vishaal Udandarao, Shagun Uppal.
For license information, see LICENSE or