- ddslide
- Copyright 2013 Sarfaraz Ansari
- website url -- http://visualdecoder.com/
- Plugin location url -- http://visualdecoder.com/plugins/ddSlide/
- download location file url -- https://github.com/sarfarazansari/ddSlide
- Version 1
- This pluggin animate target div by it's css properties.
- It is extremely lightweight and very smart it detects how to animate it from which side.
- In this pluggin pass parameters for example target div id, direction from where to animate (top, right, bottom, left), animation speed
- It is completely customizable as well via CSS.
- This ddSlide jQuery plug-in is licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
- http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
- http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html */