Very simple gui that allows customers to retrieve and inspect Network Services and additionally allows to request instantiations on them.
To contribute to the development of the SONATA BSS, you may use the very same development workflow as for any other SONATA Github project. That is, you have to fork the repository and create pull requests.
Build Docker container image
- docker build --no-cache -t son-yo-gen-bss .
Bower dependencies:
- angular >=1.5.7 (MIT)
- angular-json-tree >=1.0.1 (MIT)
- angular-animate >=1.5.7 (MIT)
- angular-formly-templates-bootstrap >=6.3.2 (MIT)
- angular-formly >=8.2.1 (MIT)
- angular-mocks >=1.5.7 (MIT)
- [angular-ui-router] >=0.3.1 (MIT)
- api-check >=7.5.5 (MIT)
- bootstrap >=3.3.6 (MIT)
- [jquery] (MIT)
Npm dependencies:
- abbrev >=1.0.9 (ISC)
- accepts >=1.3.3 (MIT)
- adm-zip >=0.4.7 (MIT)
- agent-base >=2.0.1 (MIT)
- amdefine >=1.0.0 (BSD-3-Clause AND MIT)
- ansi-regex >=2.0.0 (MIT)
- ansi-styles >=2.2.1 (MIT)
- argparse >=0.1.16 (MIT)
- arr-diff >=2.0.0 (MIT)
- arr-flatten >=1.0.1 (MIT)
- array-unique >=0.2.1 (MIT)
- asn1>=0.2.3 (MIT)
- assert-plus >=1.0.0 (MIT)
- async >=1.5.2 (MIT)
- aws-sign2 >=0.6.0 (Apache-2.0)
- balanced-match >=0.4.1 (MIT)
- basic-auth >=1.0.4 (MIT)
- batch >=0.5.3 (MIT)
- bl >=1.0.3 (MIT)
- body-parser >=1.14.2 (MIT)
- boom >=2.10.1 (BSD-3-Clause)
- brace-expansion >=1.1.5 (MIT)
- braces >=1.8.5 (MIT)
- buffer-crc32 >=0.2.1 (UNKNOWN)
- bytes >=2.4.0 (MIT)
- caseless >=0.11.0 (Apache-2.0)
- chalk >=1.1.3 (MIT)
- coffee-script >=1.3.3 (MIT)
- colors >=0.6.2 (MIT)
- combined-stream >=1.0.5 (MIT)
- commander >=2.9.0 (MIT)
- concat-map >=0.0.1 (MIT)
- concat-stream >=1.5.0 (MIT)
- connect-livereload >=0.5.4 (MIT)
- connect >=3.4.1 (MIT)
- content-type >=1.0.2 (MIT)
- [cookie-signature] >=1.0.1 (UNKNOWN)
- cookie >=0.0.5 (UNKNOWN)
- core-util-is >=1.0.2 (MIT)
- cryptiles >=2.0.5 (BSD-3-Clause)
- dashdash >=1.14.0 (MIT)
- [dateformat] 1.0.2-1.2.3 (UNKNOWN)
- debug >=2.2.0 (MIT)
- delayed-stream >=1.0.0 (MIT)
- depd >=1.1.0 (MIT)
- destroy >=1.0.4 (MIT)
- ecc-jsbn >=0.1.1 (MIT)
- ee-first >=1.1.1 (MIT)
- encodeurl >=1.0.1 (MIT)
- escape-html >=1.0.3 (MIT)
- escape-string-regexp >=1.0.5 (MIT)
- esprima >=1.0.4 (BSD)
- etag >=1.7.0 (MIT)
- eventemitter2 >=0.4.14 (MIT)
- exit >=0.1.2 (MIT)
- expand-brackets >=0.1.5 (MIT)
- expand-range >=1.8.2 (MIT)
- extend >=3.0.0 (MIT)
- extglob >=0.3.2 (MIT)
- extract-zip >=1.5.0 (BSD-2-Clause)
- extsprintf >=1.0.2 (MIT)
- faye-websocket >=0.10.0 (MIT)
- fd-slicer >=1.0.1 (MIT)
- filename-regex >=2.0.0 (MIT)
- fill-range >=2.2.3 (MIT)
- finalhandler >=0.4.1 (MIT)
- findup-sync>=0.3.0 (MIT)
- for-in >=0.1.5 (MIT)
- for-own >=0.1.4 (MIT)
- forever-agent >=0.6.1 (Apache-2.0)
- form-data >=1.0.0-rc4 (MIT)
- formidable >=1.0.14 (MIT*)
- fresh >=0.3.0 (MIT)
- fs-extra >=0.26.7 (MIT)
- fs.realpath >=1.0.0 (ISC)
- gaze >=1.1.0 (MIT)
- generate-function >=2.0.0 (MIT)
- generate-object-property >=1.2.0 (MIT)
- getobject >=0.1.0 (MIT)
- getpass >=0.1.6 (MIT)
- glob-base >=0.3.0 (MIT)
- glob-parent >=2.0.0 (ISC)
- glob >=7.0.5 (ISC)
- globule >=1.0.0 (MIT)
- graceful-fs >=4.1.4 (ISC)
- graceful-readlink >=1.0.1 (MIT)
- grunt-connect >=0.2.0 (MIT)
- grunt-contrib-connect >=1.0.2 (MIT)
- grunt-contrib-watch >=1.0.0 (MIT)
- grunt-legacy-log-utils >=0.1.1 (MIT)
- grunt-legacy-log >=0.1.3 (MIT)
- grunt-legacy-util >=0.2.0 (MIT)
- grunt-ng-constant >=2.0.1 (MIT)
- grunt-parallel-behat >=1.0.0 (MIT)
- grunt-protractor-runner >=3.2.0 (MIT)
- grunt-protractor-webdriver >=0.2.5 (MIT)
- grunt-shell-spawn >=0.3.10 (MIT)
- grunt-shell >=1.3.0 (MIT)
- grunt >=0.4.5 (MIT)
- har-validator >=2.0.6 (ISC)
- has-ansi >=2.0.0 (MIT)
- hasha >=2.2.0 (MIT)
- hat >=0.0.3 (MIT/X11)
- hawk >=3.1.3 (BSD-3-Clause)
- hoek >=2.16.3 (BSD-3-Clause)
- hooker >=0.2.3 (MIT)
- http-errors >=1.5.0 (MIT)
- http-signature >=1.1.1 (MIT)
- http2 >=3.3.4 (MIT)
- https-proxy-agent >=1.0.0 (MIT)
- iconv-lite >=0.4.13 (MIT)
- inflight >=1.0.5 (ISC)
- inherits >=2.0.1 (ISC)
- is-buffer >=1.1.3 (MIT)
- is-dotfile >=1.0.2 (MIT)
- is-equal-shallow >=0.1.3 (MIT)
- is-extendable >=0.1.1 (MIT)
- is-extglob >=1.0.0 (MIT)
- is-glob >=2.0.1 (MIT)
- is-my-json-valid >=2.13.1 (MIT)
- is-number >=2.1.0 (MIT)
- is-posix-bracket >=0.1.1 (MIT)
- is-primitive >=2.0.0 (MIT)
- is-property >=1.0.2 (MIT)
- is-stream >=1.1.0 (MIT)
- is-typedarray >=1.0.0 (MIT)
- isarray >=1.0.0 (MIT)
- isexe >=1.1.2 (ISC)
- isobject >=2.1.0 (MIT)
- isstream >=0.1.2 (MIT)
- jasmine-core >=2.4.1 (MIT)
- jasmine >=2.4.1 (MIT)
- jasminewd2 >=0.0.9 (MIT)
- jju >=1.3.0 (WTFPL)
- jodid25519 >=1.0.2 (MIT)
- js-yaml >=2.0.5 (MIT)
- jsbn >=0.1.0 (BSD)
- json-schema >=0.2.2 (licenses¦ )
- json-stringify-safe >=5.0.1 (ISC)
- jsonfile >=2.3.1 (MIT)
- jsonpointer >=2.0.0 (MIT)
- jsprim >=1.3.0 (MIT)
- kew >=0.7.0 (Apache-2.0)
- kind-of >=3.0.3 (MIT)
- klaw >=1.3.0 (MIT)
- livereload-js >=2.2.2 (MIT)
- lodash >=4.13.1 (MIT)
- lru-cache >=2.7.3 (ISC)
- matchdep >=1.0.1 (MIT)
- media-typer >=0.3.0 (MIT)
- merge >=1.2.0 (MIT)
- micromatch >=2.3.10 (MIT)
- mime-db >=1.23.0 (MIT)
- mime-types >=2.1.11 (MIT)
- mime >=1.3.4 (MIT)
- minimatch >=3.0.2 (ISC)
- minimist >=0.0.10 (MIT)
- mkdirp >=0.5.0 (MIT)
- morgan >=1.7.0 (MIT)
- ms >=0.7.1 (MIT*)
- negotiator >=0.6.1 (MIT)
- node-uuid >=1.4.7 (MIT)
- nopt >=1.0.10 (MIT)
- normalize-path >=2.0.1 (MIT)
- npm-run-path >=1.0.0 (MIT)
- oauth-sign >=0.8.2 (Apache-2.0)
- object-assign >=4.1.0 (MIT)
- object.omit >=2.0.0 (MIT)
- on-finished >=2.3.0 (MIT)
- on-headers >=1.0.1 (MIT)
- once >=1.3.3 (ISC)
- opn >=4.0.2 (MIT)
- optimist >=0.6.1 (MIT/X11)
- options >=0.0.6 (UNKNOWN)
- parse-glob >=3.0.4 (MIT)
- parseurl >=1.3.1 (MIT)
- path-is-absolute >=1.0.0 (MIT)
- path-key >=1.0.0 (MIT)
- [pause] >=0.0.1 (UNKNOWN)
- pend >=1.2.0 (MIT)
- phantomjs-prebuilt >=2.1.7 (Apache-2.0)
- pinkie-promise >=2.0.1 (MIT)
- pinkie >=2.0.4 (MIT)
- portscanner >=1.0.0 (MIT)
- preserve >=0.2.0 (MIT)
- process-nextick-args >=1.0.7 (MIT)
- progress >=1.1.8 (MIT*)
- protractor-jasmine2-html-reporter >=0.0.6 (BSD-2-Clause)
- protractor >=3.3.0 (MIT)
- q >=1.4.1 (MIT)
- qs >=5.2.0 (BSD-3-Clause)
- randomatic >=1.1.5 (MIT)
- range-parser >=1.2.0 (MIT)
- raw-body >=2.1.7 (MIT)
- readable-stream >=2.0.6 (MIT)
- regex-cache >=0.4.3 (MIT)
- repeat-element >=1.1.2 (MIT)
- repeat-string >=1.5.4 (MIT)
- request-progress >=2.0.1 (MIT)
- request >=2.67.0 (Apache-2.0)
- resolve >=1.1.7 (MIT)
- rimraf >=2.2.8 (MIT)
- saucelabs >=1.0.1 (UNKNOWN)
- sax >=1.2.1 (ISC)
- selenium-webdriver >=2.52.0 (Apache-2.0)
- semver >=5.0.3 (ISC)
- send >=0.14.1 (MIT)
- serve-index >=1.8.0 (MIT)
- serve-static >=1.11.1 (MIT)
- setprototypeof >=1.0.1 (ISC)
- sigmund >=1.0.1 (ISC)
- sntp >=1.0.9 (BSD)
- source-map-support >=0.4.1 (MIT)
- source-map >=0.1.32 (BSD)
- split >=1.0.0 (MIT)
- sshpk >=1.8.3 (MIT)
- stack-trace >=0.0.9 (MIT*)
- statuses >=1.3.0 (MIT)
- string.prototype.startswith >=0.2.0 (MIT)
- string_decoder >=0.10.31 (MIT)
- stringstream >=0.0.5 (MIT)
- strip-ansi >=3.0.1 (MIT)
- supports-color >=2.0.0 (MIT)
- sync-exec >=0.6.2 (MIT)
- throttleit >=1.0.0 (MIT)
- through2 >=2.0.1 (MIT)
- through >=2.3.8 (MIT)
- tiny-lr >=0.2.1 (MIT)
- tmp >=0.0.24 (MIT)
- tosource >=1.0.0 (UNKNOWN)
- tough-cookie >=2.2.2 (BSD-3-Clause)
- tunnel-agent >=0.4.3 (Apache-2.0)
- tweetnacl >=0.13.3 (Public domain)
- type-is >=1.6.13 (MIT)
- typedarray >=0.0.6 (MIT)
- ultron >=1.0.2 (MIT)
- underscore.string >=2.4.0 (MIT)
- underscore >=1.7.0 (MIT)
- unpipe >=1.0.0 (MIT)
- util-deprecate >=1.0.2 (MIT)
- utils-merge >=1.0.0 (MIT)
- verror >=1.3.6 (MIT*)
- websocket-driver >=0.6.5 (MIT)
- websocket-extensions >=0.1.1 (MIT)
- which >=1.2.10 (ISC)
- wordwrap >=0.0.3 (MIT)
- wrappy >=1.0.2 (ISC)
- ws >=1.1.1 (MIT)
- xml2js >=0.4.15 (MIT)
- xmlbuilder >=8.2.2 (MIT)
- xtend >=4.0.1 (MIT)
- yauzl >=2.4.1 (MIT)
You may contribute to the editor similar to other SONATA (sub-) projects, i.e. by creating pull requests.
The installation of this component can be done using the son-install script.
Grunt command line options are:
options | Required | Default value | Description |
gkApiUrl | Yes | Gatekeeper REST API Url | |
suite | No | Testing purpose: select the test suite | |
hostname | No | localhost | Testing purpose: set the test hostname |
protocol | No | http | http/https selection |
userManagementEnabled | No | true | Enables de use of Gatekeeper's User Management module |
licenseManagementEnabled | No | true | Enables de use of Gatekeeper's License Management module |
The GUI has a principal page with an upper menu that shows the following sections:
Available Network Services
In this section is possible:
- to retrieve a list of Network services availables to be instantiated ("get" operation)
- to view the NSD details (tree view)
- to instantiate an specific NSD ("post" operation)
- to get a private license to allow the instantiation process
In this section is possible:
- to retrieve a list of Instantiation Orders ("get" operation)
- to view the Request details
Network Service Instances
In this section is possible:
- to retrieve a list of Service instances
- to update an instance to the latest service version
The SONATA BSS is published under Apache 2.0 license. Please see the LICENSE file for more details.
- [Grunt] ( - JavaScript Task Runner
- [AngularJS] ( - JavaScript Framework for Web apps
- [Bower] ( - Package manager for the web
- [npm] ( - Package manager for JavaScript
- [node.js] ( - JavaScript Runtime
The following lead developers are responsible for this repository and have admin rights. They can, for example, merge pull requests.
- Santiago Rodriguez (srodriguezOPT)
- Felipe Vicens (felipevicens)
- You may use the mailing list [email protected]
- Please use the GitHub issues to report bugs.