creation of rest api: Software required python3 modules required install using pip3: flask requests jsonify
steps: 1 The server will have the data to be sent by a rest api it may be connected to a database or anyother file formats 2 @app.route() is a decorator along with a function which denotes what to do when that url occurs 3 variable url is denoted in tags 4 send the data about required variable present in data source 1 client send a request to the server using the request modules 2 The sent request is of get method 3 The server gets the url and returns the appropriate data in json format 4 the client can read the json and display the data in anyform
note: url specfied in the client is the same url in which the server runs check the port number properly
how to run: server using python3 check the url in your terminal and see if it same url given in your client using python3