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Y24-202 - As a TL (Rory Y) in GSU I would like to optimise the cherry picking of low occupancy plates for positive and negative picks on the Tecan robots so that we can reduce turn around times. #12

Y24-202 - As a TL (Rory Y) in GSU I would like to optimise the cherry picking of low occupancy plates for positive and negative picks on the Tecan robots so that we can reduce turn around times.

Y24-202 - As a TL (Rory Y) in GSU I would like to optimise the cherry picking of low occupancy plates for positive and negative picks on the Tecan robots so that we can reduce turn around times. #12

name: Assign Issue Number
types: [opened]
uses: sanger/.github/.github/workflows/generate_issue_number.yml@master
app_id: ${{ secrets.ISSUE_GEN_APP_ID }}
app_key: ${{ secrets.ISSUE_GEN_APP_KEY }}