alpha af
A framework to test relays against their advertised supported NIPs. (name pending)
- Minimal boilerplate
- Familiar testing patterns
- Overloads for more advanced testing cases
- Nip Support detection via NIP-11
- Live data Sampler for more accurate test results.
Test detected NIPs (will also test NIP-11 against schema)
import Auditor from "@nostrwatch/auditor"
const relay = "wss://"
const audit = new Auditor(options)
await audit.detectSupportedNips()
const results = audit.test(relay)
Test only NIP-50
import Auditor from "@nostrwatch/auditor"
const relay = "wss://"
const audit = new Auditor(options)
audit.removeSuite('Nip01') //Nip01 runs by default.
const results = audit.test(relay)
If you do not detect nips or add any Suites, NIP-01 will run by default
import Auditor from "@nostrwatch/auditor"
const relay = "wss://"
const audit = new Auditor(options)
const results = audit.test(relay)
//runs NIP-01 suite
not yet implemnented
Load your own suite or overload a built-in suite with your own. (overloading individuals tests in a suite is not yet supported)
import Auditor from "@nostrwatch/auditor"
import Nip01 from from "./my-nip01-test.js"
const relay = "wss://"
const audit = new Auditor(options)
const results = audit.test(relay)
//TODO: More complicated to demonstrate because of conventions.
//...and using the Nip01 Suite as an example here is horrible because it's
//inevitably the most complex.
Simple example of a suite test. Suite Tests are intended to be compact with explicit purposes.
import { ISuite } from '#base/Suite.js';
import { ISuiteTest, SuiteTest } from '#base/SuiteTest.js';
import { INip01Filter } from '../interfaces/index.js';
export class FilterLimit extends SuiteTest implements ISuiteTest {
readonly slug: string = 'FilterLimit';
maxEvents: number = 10;
limit: number = 1
get filters(): INip01Filter[] {
return [{ limit: this.limit }]
behavior.toEqual(this.totalEvents, this.limit, 'returned correct number of events');
behavior.toBeOk(this.totalEvents > 0, 'returned at least one event');
behavior.toBeOk(!(this.totalEvents > this.limit), 'did not return too many events');
export default FilterLimit;