An Java api to export pojos in spreadsheets
This project is currently under development. Feel free to implement new formats or suggest improvements / corrections via pull request, as well as any correction of English used incorrectly. \0/
- Export via Annotation
- Export via your own RowSetter
- Formats supported in XLS and XLSX
###via Annotation
// Pojo
public class Employee implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 3746741846449261791L;
@ExcelCell(order = 0, label = "Name")
public final String name;
@ExcelCell(order = 1, label = "CPF", formatPattern = "###.###.###-##")
public final String cpf;
@ExcelCell(order = 2, label = "Email")
public final String email;
@ExcelCell(type = CellType.DATE, order = 3, label = "Birthdate", formatPattern = "dd/MM/yyyy")
public final Date birthDate;
@ExcelCell(type = CellType.NUMBER, order = 4, label = "Age")
public final Integer age;
@ExcelCell(type = CellType.MONEY, order = 5, label = "Salary")
public final BigDecimal salary;
@ExcelCell(type = CellType.DATE, order = 6, label = "Admission at", formatPattern = "EEE, MMM d, ''yyyy")
public final LocalDate registerDate;
@ExcelCell(type = CellType.DATE, order = 7, label = "Resignation at", formatPattern = "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss")
public final LocalDateTime resignationDate;
// constructor omitted
// Writer
ExcelPoiWriter<Employee> writer = new ExcelPoiWriterBuilder<>()
.rowSetter(new AnnotationRowSetter<Employee>())
List<Employee> employees = repository.getEmployees();
ExcelWriterResult result = writer.write(employees);
/* If you need the name of the files to build a download response for example, you can get it from the result
* It's a list, because it can break in multi files when your excel file exceed the limit of rows
List<String> filesName =result.getFilesName();
###via your own RowSetter
// coming soon
- Publish artifact
- Support more formats
- Scala version