Applications proyect that have base on spree_travel gem
You can install these gems using this command:
bundle install
Use the install generator to set up Spree:
rails g spree:install --sample=false --seed=false
At this point, if you are using spree_auth_devise you will need to change this
line in config/initializers/spree.rb
Spree.user_class = "Spree::LegacyUser"
To this:
Spree.user_class = "Spree::User"
You can avoid running migrations or generating seed and sample data by passing in these flags:
rails g spree:install --migrate=false --sample=false --seed=false
You can always perform the steps later by using these commands.
bundle exec rake railties:install:migrations
bundle exec rake db:migrate
bundle exec rake db:seed
bundle exec rake spree_sample:load
Spree is an open source project and we encourage contributions. Please see the contributors guidelines before contributing.