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samuelgarcia committed Mar 4, 2024
1 parent 482abca commit 6385b0f
Showing 1 changed file with 0 additions and 255 deletions.
255 changes: 0 additions & 255 deletions neo/rawio/neuralynxrawio/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -170,261 +170,6 @@ def calc_sample_time(sampFr, startTime, posn):
return round(startTime + NcsSectionsFactory.get_micros_per_samp_for_freq(sampFr) * posn)

def _parseGivenActualFrequency(ncsMemMap, ncsSects, chanNum, reqFreq, blkOnePredTime):
Parse sections in memory mapped file when microsPerSampUsed and sampFreqUsed are known,
filling in an NcsSections object.
memmap of Ncs file
NcsSections with actual sampFreqUsed correct, first NcsSection with proper startSect
and startTime already added.
channel number that should be present in all records
rounded frequency that all records should contain
predicted starting time of second record in block
NcsSections object with block locations marked

# New code numpy vector based (speedup X50)
delta = (ncsMemMap["timestamp"][1:] - ncsMemMap["timestamp"][:-1]).astype(np.int64)
delta_prediction = ((ncsMemMap["nb_valid"][:-1] / ncsSects.sampFreqUsed) * 1e6).astype(np.int64)
gap_inds = np.flatnonzero((delta - delta_prediction) != 0)
gap_inds += 1
sections_limits = [ 0 ] + gap_inds.tolist() + [len(ncsMemMap)]

for i in range(len(gap_inds) + 1):
start = sections_limits[i]
stop = sections_limits[i + 1]
endTime=ncsMemMap["timestamp"][stop-1] + np.uint64(ncsMemMap["nb_valid"][stop-1] / ncsSects.sampFreqUsed * 1e6),

return ncsSects

def _buildGivenActualFrequency(ncsMemMap, actualSampFreq, reqFreq):
Build NcsSections object for file given actual sampling frequency.
Requires that frequency in each record agrees with requested frequency. This is
normally obtained by rounding the header frequency; however, this value may be different
from the rounded actual frequency used in the recording, since the underlying
requirement in older Ncs files was that the number of microseconds per sample in the
records is the inverse of the sampling frequency stated in the header truncated to
whole microseconds.
memmap of Ncs file
actual sampling frequency used
frequency to require in records
NcsSections object
# check frequency in first record
if ncsMemMap["sample_rate"][0] != reqFreq:
raise IOError("Sampling frequency in first record doesn't agree with header.")
chanNum = ncsMemMap["channel_id"][0]

ncsSects = NcsSections()
ncsSects.sampFreqUsed = actualSampFreq
ncsSects.microsPerSampUsed = NcsSectionsFactory.get_micros_per_samp_for_freq(actualSampFreq)

# check if file is one block of records, which is often the case, and avoid full parse
lastBlkI = ncsMemMap.shape[0] - 1
ts0 = ncsMemMap["timestamp"][0]
nb0 = ncsMemMap["nb_valid"][0]
predLastBlockStartTime = NcsSectionsFactory.calc_sample_time(
actualSampFreq, ts0, NcsSection._RECORD_SIZE * lastBlkI
lts = ncsMemMap["timestamp"][lastBlkI]
lnb = ncsMemMap["nb_valid"][lastBlkI]
if (
ncsMemMap["channel_id"][lastBlkI] == chanNum
and ncsMemMap["sample_rate"][lastBlkI] == reqFreq
and lts == predLastBlockStartTime
lastBlkEndTime = NcsSectionsFactory.calc_sample_time(actualSampFreq, lts, lnb)
n_samples = NcsSection._RECORD_SIZE * lastBlkI
curBlock = NcsSection(0, ts0, lastBlkI, lastBlkEndTime, n_samples)

return ncsSects

# otherwise need to scan looking for data gaps
blkOnePredTime = NcsSectionsFactory.calc_sample_time(actualSampFreq, ts0, nb0)
# curBlock = NcsSection(0, ts0, -1, -1, -1)
# ncsSects.sects.append(curBlock)
ncsSects = NcsSectionsFactory._parseGivenActualFrequency(ncsMemMap, ncsSects, chanNum, reqFreq, blkOnePredTime)
return ncsSects

def _parseForMaxGap(ncsMemMap, ncsSects, maxGapLen):
Parse blocks of records from file, allowing a maximum gap in timestamps between records
in sections. Estimates frequency being used based on timestamps.
memmap of Ncs file
NcsSections object with sampFreqUsed set to nominal frequency to use in computing time
for samples (Hz)
maximum difference within a block between predicted time of start of record and
recorded time
NcsSections object with sampFreqUsed and microsPerSamp set based on estimate from
largest block

chanNum = ncsMemMap["channel_id"][0]
recFreq = ncsMemMap["sample_rate"][0]

# check for consistent channel_ids and sampling rates
if not (ncsMemMap["channel_id"] == chanNum).all():
raise IOError("Channel number changed in records within file")

if not all(ncsMemMap["sample_rate"] == recFreq):
raise IOError("Sampling frequency changed in records within file")

# find most frequent number of samples
exp_nb_valid = np.argmax(np.bincount(ncsMemMap["nb_valid"]))
# detect records with incomplete number of samples
gap_rec_ids = list(np.where(ncsMemMap["nb_valid"] != exp_nb_valid)[0])

rec_duration = 1e6 / ncsSects.sampFreqUsed * ncsMemMap["nb_valid"]
pred_times = np.rint(ncsMemMap["timestamp"] + rec_duration).astype(np.int64)
max_pred_times = pred_times + maxGapLen
# data records that start later than the predicted time (including the
# maximal accepted gap length) are considered delayed and a gap is
# registered.
delayed_recs = list(np.where(max_pred_times[:-1] < ncsMemMap["timestamp"][1:])[0])

# cleaning extracted gap ids
# last record can not be the beginning of a gap
last_rec_id = len(ncsMemMap["timestamp"]) - 1
if last_rec_id in gap_rec_ids:

# gap ids can only be listed once
gap_rec_ids = sorted(set(gap_rec_ids))

# create recording segments from identified gaps
ncsSects.sects.append(NcsSection(0, ncsMemMap["timestamp"][0], -1, -1, -1))
for gap_rec_id in gap_rec_ids:
curr_sec = ncsSects.sects[-1]
curr_sec.endRec = gap_rec_id
curr_sec.endTime = pred_times[gap_rec_id]
n_samples = np.sum(ncsMemMap["nb_valid"][curr_sec.startRec : gap_rec_id + 1])
curr_sec.n_samples = n_samples

next_sec = NcsSection(gap_rec_id + 1, ncsMemMap["timestamp"][gap_rec_id + 1], -1, -1, -1)

curr_sec = ncsSects.sects[-1]
curr_sec.endRec = len(ncsMemMap["timestamp"]) - 1
curr_sec.endTime = pred_times[-1]
n_samples = np.sum(ncsMemMap["nb_valid"][curr_sec.startRec :])
curr_sec.n_samples = n_samples

# calculate the estimated frequency of the block with the most samples
max_blk_idx = np.argmax([bl.endRec - bl.startRec for bl in ncsSects.sects])
max_blk = ncsSects.sects[max_blk_idx]

maxBlkFreqEstimate = (
(max_blk.n_samples - ncsMemMap["nb_valid"][max_blk.endRec])
* 1e6
/ (ncsMemMap["timestamp"][max_blk.endRec] - max_blk.startTime)

ncsSects.sampFreqUsed = maxBlkFreqEstimate
ncsSects.microsPerSampUsed = NcsSectionsFactory.get_micros_per_samp_for_freq(maxBlkFreqEstimate)
# free memory that is unnecessarily occupied by the memmap
# (see
del ncsMemMap
return ncsSects

def _buildForMaxGap(ncsMemMap, nomFreq):
Determine sections of records in memory mapped Ncs file given a nominal frequency of
the file, using the default values of frequency tolerance and maximum gap between blocks.
memmap of Ncs file
nominal sampling frequency used, normally from header of file
NcsSections object
nb = NcsSections()

numRecs = ncsMemMap.shape[0]
if numRecs < 1:
return nb

chanNum = ncsMemMap["channel_id"][0]
ts0 = ncsMemMap["timestamp"][0]

lastBlkI = numRecs - 1
lts = ncsMemMap["timestamp"][lastBlkI]
lcid = ncsMemMap["channel_id"][lastBlkI]
lnb = ncsMemMap["nb_valid"][lastBlkI]
lsr = ncsMemMap["sample_rate"][lastBlkI]

# check if file is one block of records, with exact timestamp match, which may be the case
numSampsForPred = NcsSection._RECORD_SIZE * lastBlkI
predLastBlockStartTime = NcsSectionsFactory.calc_sample_time(nomFreq, ts0, numSampsForPred)
freqInFile = math.floor(nomFreq)
if lts - predLastBlockStartTime == 0 and lcid == chanNum and lsr == freqInFile:
endTime = NcsSectionsFactory.calc_sample_time(nomFreq, lts, lnb)
curBlock = NcsSection(0, ts0, lastBlkI, endTime, numSampsForPred)
nb.sampFreqUsed = (numSampsForPred + lnb) / (endTime - ts0) * 1e6
nb.microsPerSampUsed = NcsSectionsFactory.get_micros_per_samp_for_freq(nb.sampFreqUsed)

# otherwise parse records to determine blocks using default maximum gap length
nb.sampFreqUsed = nomFreq
nb.microsPerSampUsed = NcsSectionsFactory.get_micros_per_samp_for_freq(nb.sampFreqUsed)
maxGapToAllow = round(NcsSectionsFactory._maxGapSampFrac * 1e6 / nomFreq)
nb = NcsSectionsFactory._parseForMaxGap(ncsMemMap, nb, maxGapToAllow)

return nb

def _buildNcsGeneric(ncsMemMap, sampFreq, gapTolerance=0):
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