Collection self written scripts for Nagios/Icinga/Shinken/Sensu/LibreNMS.
I wrote this plugins to be used on Debian server. It's not said, that those scripts work flawless on other Linux distributions.
Compares the HTTP bodies of multiple URLs and alarms if they differs. Useful for eg. check if multiple servers of a cluster have all the same software version of you application deployed. [-h] [-c] URL-1 URL-2 [... URL-n]
Check the functionality of puppet agent on a host. Alarms if the puppet agent daemon is not running for disabled for a longer time. [-c] [-a <min>] [-A <min>] [-d <min>] [-D <min>]
Check if a reboot is required after a Debian/Ubuntu package was upgraded. [-w <min>] [-c <min>]
Check if a service on a windows machine is running using WMI. This scripts requires the program wmic to be installed. -H host -u [domain\]user -p password [-i service[,service,..]]
You can get wmic here:
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