Frontend developer toolkit to integrate your HTML/JS/CSS. Designed to work expressly with Symfony2, Silex and Wordpress project.
Provides a way to quickly design the front-end of a new responsive website. Can be easily plugged to Symfony2, Silex or Wordpress.
Using best in class tools:
Install project (with NPM):
npm install -g create-project
create-project . creads/cakepan
or install project (with wget):
wget -qO- | tar -xvz -C ./ && mv cakepan-master/* . && rm -rf cakepan-master
then install dependencies:
npm install -g bower browser-sync gulp
npm install
Build website and start dev webserver:
npm start
If you want to build the source:
If you want to build the source for the production, simply run (gulpfile gonna try to load prod.config.json):
gulp --mode=prod
take car it will erase every templates and every assets.
If you want to start dev webserver:
gulp start
If you want to start dev webserver without relaunching a browser window:
gulp start --no
Proxy mode allows to serve pages from another webserver (like PHP) while continuing to edit JS and CCS into Cakepan source dir. If you want to enable proxy mode set build_dir, proxy.url, proxy.watch_dir and proxy.watch_files in your proxy.config.json and run:
gulp --mode=proxy
If you want to clean build directory:
gulp clean
If you want to override specific value from command line pass it as option:
gulp --compile=true
this gonna compile every assets