Frontend, Server, and Microcontroller code for a milling machine made for Lab IV at Texas Tech University.
The server and the front end are both handled by Node.JS - follow directions for installing from their site.
Depending on your choice of microcontroller either download and install Arduino or Energia. The code was written for a Tiva C Series Connected Launchpad but should work on other microcontrollers that are Arduino compatible. Edit the top of the code to match the pins on your microcontroller.
Go to the MillingInterface folder in terminal and run using
node index.js
Download and follow the directions from PCBGCode. EagleCAD is required for this script.
- (***) - Comments
- M02 - End of Program
- ^G01 X-(\d*.\d*) Y(\d*.\d*) $ - Linear Interpolation X Y
- ^G00 X-(\d*.\d*) Y(\d*.\d*) $ - Rapid Postioning -X Y
- ^G00 X(\d*.\d*) Y(\d*.\d*) $ - Rapid Postioning X Y
- ^G00 Z(\d*.\d*) $ - Rapid Postioning Z
- ^G01 Z-(\d*.\d*)$ - Linear Interpolation -Z (no feedrate change)
- ^G01 Z(\d*.\d*)$ - Linear Interpolation Z (no feedrate change)
- ^G01 Z-(\d*.\d*) F(\d*.\d*) $ - Linear Interpolation -Z (feedrate change)
- ^G01 X-(\d*.\d*) Y(\d*.\d*) F(\d*.\d*) $ - Linear Interpolation X Y (feedrate change)
- ^G04 P(\d*.\d*)$ - Dwell in milliseconds
- G90 - Absolute Programming
- M03 - Spindle On (clockwise)
- M04 - Spindle On (counter) - not in code but good to have
- M05 - Spindle stop
- ^\n$ - empty line