adcirpolate is a module for interpolating hotstart files between different ADCIRC meshes. Hence, we can switch between different meshes to avoid unnecessary computation on meshes with high resolution in areas where no important phenomenon is going on. If you do not know about ADCIRC, or its hotstart files, you are in the wrong place !
In order to run this code, you need MPI and ESMF libraries. The program is to be built with the same MPI library that is used to build ESMF. You also need to set the following environment variables, and run cmake:
export FC=mpif90
export ESMF_CONFIG_FILE=/path/to/
cmake /path/to/CMakeLists.txt
make all
The current version of Adcirpolate has been tested on multiple HPC clusters with different versions of CMake and GNU and Intel Fortran compilers. Understandably, some tunings to the CMakeLists.txt might be required for clusters with less up-to-date software. In case you are having trouble compiling the code on your machine, please submit an issue with output log from CMake or Fortran compiler.
Adcirpolate should be executed in a directory with two folders named coarse
and fine
. Typically, we transfer the results from hotstart file of the coarse mesh to a hotstart file of the fine mesh. The two folders contain the partitioned ADCIRC meshes. In the coarse
directory, the hotstart file of the coarse mesh exists. After running, the program creates a hotstart file for the fine mesh.