A greeter that works on mobile devices and also other kinds of computers.
🤓 phrog
uses Phosh to conduct a greetd conversation.
It is the spiritual successor of phog.
- Alpine (v3.21+):
apk add greetd-phrog
- Fedora (COPR):
sudo dnf copr enable samcday/phrog && sudo dnf install phrog
- Other: you must build from source, see the Development section below.
is a greetd "greeter". To use it, make sure your /etc/greetd/config.toml
looks like this:
command = "systemd-cat --identifier=phrog phrog"
Then run greetd however your distro prefers you to.
You can also test it outside greetd, nested in your favourite Wayland desktop environment:
phoc -S -E "phrog --fake"
is required to build this project.
- Alpine (v3.21+):
sudo apk add libphosh
- Fedora:
sudo dnf install libphosh-devel
- Debian:
sudo apt install libphosh-0.44-dev
If libphosh
is not packaged for your distro, you need to build Phosh+libphosh manually. See the Phosh README for more info.
Once libphosh
is installed, building and running 🐸 should be as simple as:
phoc -S -E "cargo run -- --fake"
phoc -S -E "cargo test"