Deep learning-based algorithm to classify MC AD and NC MRI and fMRI data
The image converter script decomposes fMRI 4D data into 2D PNG slices. This script requires OpenCV and Nibabel as prerequirests. OpenCV is a computer vision library providing an extensive sets of functionalities for image processing, computer vision and machine learning. Nibabel is a library to manipulate and process neuroimaging data.
pip install opencv-python
pip install nibabel
MCADNNet: Recognizing Stages of Cognitive Impairment Through Efficient Convolutional fMRI and MRI Neural Network Topology Models
@article{sarraf2019mcadnnet, title={MCADNNet: Recognizing Stages of Cognitive Impairment Through Efficient Convolutional fMRI and MRI Neural Network Topology Models}, author={Sarraf, Saman and Desouza, Danielle D and Anderson, John AE and Saverino, Cristina}, journal={IEEE Access}, volume={7}, pages={155584--155600}, year={2019}, publisher={IEEE} }