Cork Programming Language
CorkPL is an interpreted programming language that is written in Python 3.10+ I have been heavily inspired by Code Pulse and have based my code off of his Simple Math Interpreter series and his Make your own Programming Language series.
The current version is a maths interpreter, which supports the following oporators:
- Addition/Subtraction e.g 3+3 or 5-2
- Multiplication/Division e.g 2*3 or 100/25
- Divide by zero rejected with an error
- Modulus/Floor Divide e.g 10%3 or 10//3
- Powers e.g 3^3 or 25^0.5 (for squareroot)
- Complex Numbers, i.e roots of negative numbers, are rejected with an error
- Order of operations is used.
- e.g 1+2*3 evaluates to 7
- Brackets can be used to change this order
- e.g (1+2)*3 evaluates to 9
- Proper, consitent syntax - undecided on what this will be
- Variables
- Boolean Values/Operations
- Better error descriptions/handling
- Strings
- Lists (Arrays)
- Loading/Running Programs from files
- Fuctions/Subroutines
- Download the code
- Run the program
- Have a play!
- Let me know if anyone has any suggestions or any ideas on how to improve the code.
- Python 3.10+