Set of minimalistic utils for Salute Assistants scenario implementation.
- directly in code autocomplete for intents and app state;
- strongly typed out of the box: whole SmartApp API types inside;
- common types between scenario and Canvas Apps;
- common API with Salutejs Client;
- runtime enitity variables and state validation;
- nodejs web-frameworks integration support: expressjs, hapi, koa;
- client frameworks integration support: NextJS, Gatsby;
- any types of recognizers: RegExp, String Similarity, SmartApp Brain;
- custom recognizer API;
- intents and entities sync with SmartApp Brain;
- session persisting adapters: memory, mongodb, redis;
- assistants based phrases dictionary declaration support.
- @salutejs/scenario - user scenario framework;
- @salutejs/recognizer-smartapp-brain - SmartApp Brain recognizer;
- @salutejs/recognizer-string-similarity - string similarity recognizer;
- @salutejs/storage-adapter-firebase - in firebase session storage adapter;
- @salutejs/storage-adapter-memory - in memory session storage adapter;