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Securely connect to an External Endpoint from Azure


Azure’s Private Link enables you to securely access Azure PaaS and Partner resources over a private endpoint (PE) in your own virtual network (VNET). The private access is resource specific as opposed to service specific and protects against data exfiltration in that connectivity can be initiated in only a single direction.

IaaS Connectivity

In addition to being able to connect to PaaS resources, you can also securely connect to Azure Virtual Machines (IaaS) that are fronted by a Standard Internal Load Balancer as shown in the figure below: Figure 1 The Private Link Service (PLS) as shown in the Provider Network performs Destination NAT which prevents IP overlapping issues between the Consumer and Provider VNETs in Azure. From the perspective of the Provider Network, the source IP is going to be the NAT-ted IP ( from the figure above). The Provider can determine the original source of the connection by looking at the TCP Proxy V2 header. Details for this is outside the scope of this article but more information on how one can get the source IP can be found here.

Connectivity from Managed/Secure VNET to a server in another VNET or On-Premises server

If you want to connect from a private/managed subnet to an on-premise server or a server in another VNET as shown in the figure below which shows connectivity from Azure Data Factory (ADF) Managed Virtual Network to an on-premise SQL Server Figure 1

Forwarding Solution:

This highlighted elements in the diagram below will be implemented in the Forwarding Solution Figure 17


  • Download code from this repository locally:
    git clone
    cd adf-pipeline
  • Get the IP and Port of the Destination host to which you want traffic forwarded to. For example, you have an SQL server installed with IP, then the values would be:

Implement Forwarding Solution

1. The following values will be used for this solution:

  • Resource Group: az-adf-fwd-rg
  • Azure Region: East US
  • Forwarding VNET Name: az-adf-fwd-vnet
  • Forwarding VNET Address Space:
  • Subnets in Forwarding VNET:
    • Name: adf-fwd-fe-subnet Address Space:
    • Name: adf-fwd-be-subnet Address Space:
    • Name: adf-fwd-pls-subnet Address Space:
    • Name: adf-fwd-vm-subnet Address Space:
    • Name: adf-fwd-bast-subnet Address Space: (optional)
  • NSG for blocking external traffic (optional): adf-fwd-vm-nsg
  • Bastion VM for external access (optional): bastionvm
  • Standard Internal Load Balancer: ADFFwdILB
  • Forwarding VM name: fwdvm[#]
  • Forwarding VM NIC: fwdvm[#]nic[RANDOM #]
  • Backend/Destination server IPs and services: The following table shows the configuration that will be passed to the port forwarding VM. The FE Port references the port on which the port forwarding VM listens while the BE Port references the port on which the destination server listens.
    Server Service FE Port BE Port SQL 1433 1433 File Share 445 445

2. Connect to your subscription

Run the following command

  az login

List subscriptions available if you have more than one Azure subscription:

  az account list --all

Specify the subscription you want to use:

  az account set --subscription <subscription_id>

3. Create a Resource Group

az group create --name az-adf-fwd-rg --location eastus

4. Create a VNET and subnets

Create VNET and Frontend subnet

az network vnet create \
  -g az-adf-fwd-rg \
  -n az-adf-fwd-vnet \
  --address-prefixes \
  --subnet-name adf-fwd-fe-subnet \
  --subnet-prefixes \
  --location eastus

Create Backend subnet

az network vnet subnet create \
  -g az-adf-fwd-rg \
  --vnet-name az-adf-fwd-vnet \
  -n adf-fwd-be-subnet \

Create PLS subnet

az network vnet subnet create \
  -g az-adf-fwd-rg \
  --vnet-name az-adf-fwd-vnet \
  -n adf-fwd-pls-subnet \

Disable PLS Network Policies

az network vnet subnet update \
  -g az-adf-fwd-rg \
  -n pls-subnet \
  --vnet-name az-adf-fwd-vnet \
  --disable-private-link-service-network-policies true

Create VM subnet

az network vnet subnet create \
  -g az-adf-fwd-rg \
  --vnet-name az-adf-fwd-vnet \
  -n adf-fwd-vm-subnet \

Create Bastion subnet (Optional * use if you only want to externally connect)

az network vnet subnet create \
  -g az-adf-fwd-rg \
  --vnet-name az-adf-fwd-vnet \
  -n adf-fwd-bast-subnet \

5. Create an NSG (Optional use if you only want to externally connect)

Create NSG

az network nsg create -g az--adf-fwd-rg --name adf-fwd-vm-nsg

Create NSG Rule for SSH Access

az network nsg rule create \
  -g az-adf-fwd-rg \
  --nsg-name adf-fwd-vm-nsg \
  --name AllowSSH \
  --direction inbound \
  --source-address-prefix ${ALLOWED_IP_ADDRESS} \
  --destination-port-range 22 \
  --access allow \
  --priority 500 \
  --protocol Tcp

Assign NSG to Bastion subnet

az network vnet subnet update \
  -g az-adf-fwd-rg \
  -n adf-fwd-bast-subnet \
  --vnet-name az-adf-fwd-vnet \
  --network-security-group adf-fwd-vm-nsg

Create Bastion VM

az vm create \
  -g az-adf-fwd-rg \
  --image UbuntuLTS \
  --admin-user azureuser \
  --generate-ssh-keys \
  --vnet-name az-adf-fwd-vnet \
  --subnet adf-fwd-bast-subnet

6. Standard Internal Load Balancer

Create Load Balancer

az network lb create \
  -g az-adf-fwd-rg \
  --name ADFFWDILB \
  --sku standard \
  --vnet-name az-adf-fwd-vnet \
  --subnet adf-fwd-fe-subnet \
  --frontend-ip-name FrontEnd \
  --backend-pool-name bepool

Create a health probe to monitor the health of VMs using port 22

az network lb probe create \
  -g az-adf-fwd-rg \
  --lb-name ADFFWDILB \
  --name SSHProbe \
  --protocol tcp \
  --port 22

Create an LB rule to forward SQL packets on 1433 to forwarding VM on 1433

az network lb rule create \
  -g az-adf-fwd-rg \
  --lb-name ADFFWDILB \
  --name OnPremSQL \
  --protocol tcp \
  --frontend-port 1433 \
  --backend-port 1433 \
  --frontend-ip-name FrontEnd \
  --backend-pool-name bepool \
  --probe-name SSHProbe

Create an LB rule to forward File Share packets on 445 to forwarding VM on 445

az network lb rule create \
  -g az-adf-fwd-rg \
  --lb-name ADFFWDILB \
  --name OnPremSQL \
  --protocol tcp \
  --frontend-port 445 \
  --backend-port 445 \
  --frontend-ip-name FrontEnd \
  --backend-pool-name bepool \
  --probe-name SSHProbe

Get ILB Resource ID

FWD_ILB=$(az network lb show -g az-adf-fwd-rg -n ADFFWDILB --query frontendIpConfigurations[0].id -o tsv)

7. Create Private Link Service to ILB

   az network private-link-service create \
     -g az-adf-fwd-rg \
     -n pls2fwdilb \
     --vnet-name az-adf-fwd-vnet \
     --subnet adf-fwd-pls-subnet \
     --lb-frontend-ip-configs ${FWD_ILB} \
     -l eastus \
     --query id \
     -o tsv)

8. Create NICs for VMs

   az network nic create \
     -g az-adf-fwd-rg \
     -n ${NIC_NAME} \
     --vnet-name az-adf-fwd-vnet \
     --subnet adf-fwd-be-subnet

9. Create backend forwarding Linux VM

Note: Make sure you're running this from where the cloud_init.yaml file exists

az vm create \
  -g az-adf-fwd-rg \
  --name natvm1 \
  --image UbuntuLTS \
  --admin-user azureuser \
  --generate-ssh-keys \
  --nics ${NIC1_NAME} \
  --public-ip-address "" \
  --custom-data ./cloud_init.yaml

10. Add NIC to LB

az network nic ip-config address-pool add \
  --address-pool bepool \
  --ip-config-name ipconfig1 \
  --nic-name ${NIC1_NAME} \
  -g az-adf-fwd-rg \
  --lb-name ADFFWDILB

11. Print output variables

These are variables to use when wanting to connect to the PLS, or the Bastion VM

Print PLS Resource ID to use for connection to this PLS

  echo "PLS Resource ID is ${PLS_ID}"

Print Bastion VM Public IP (Optional)

  echo "Bastion Public IP is: $(az vm show -d -g az-adf-fwd-rg -n bastionvm --query publicIps -o tsv)"

12. Create a SQL Server VM

Follow instructions in this link to install a SQL Server VM. Note:

  • Get the Private IP address of the VM
  • Verify that it is accessible from the Forwarding VM created above
  • In our example, the SQL Server has Private IP

13. Creating Forwarding Rule to Endpoint

Run command on remote FWD VM to create forwarding rule to destination IP and port ($DEST_IP and $DEST_PORT from Prerequisites).

Following is a command to forward SQL Ports

  az vm run-command invoke --command-id RunShellScript -g az-adf-fwd-rg -n fwdvm1 --scripts "/usr/local/bin/ -i eth0 -f 1433 -a -b 1433"

Following is a command to forward Windows File Share port

  az vm run-command invoke --command-id RunShellScript -g az-adf-fwd-rg -n fwdvm1 --scripts "/usr/local/bin/ -i eth0 -f 445 -a -b 445"

14. Setup connectivity in ADF

This will setup connectivity from ADF to the Private Link Service created in the Azure subscription

1. Go to the Azure Portal

2. From the center search, search for "Data Factories" and click on the "Data Factories" option

3. Select the "Create" option and fill data:

  • Fill in the appropriate information in the Basics tab

  • Choose "Configure Git Later" in the Git Configuration tab as shown below: Figure 2

  • Choose "Enable Managed Virtual Network on the default AutoResolveIntengrationRuntime" in the Networking tab as shown below: Figure 3

  • Click on "Review + Create" and then click on "Create" when done

4. Now go to Azure ADF

5. Choose your AAD, Subscription, and enter your Data Factory Name that you just created and click on Continue

Figure 4

6. On the Data Factory screen, click on the "Manage" icon as shown in the figure below:

Figure 5

7. From the Manage page, select the "Managed Private Endpoints" as shown in the figure below:

Figure 6

8. Click on "New" from the "Managed Private Endpoints" page as shown below:

Figure 7

9. In the search, type "Private" as shown below:

Figure 8

10. Enter the information as shown in the diagram below.

When entering the Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDN), understand that the values need to be entered for ALL services you want ADF to access. The FQDN is local to the ADF VNET and doesn't need to match any actual FQDN that you might have assigned to your servers. The different FQDNs of the multiple servers all translate to a single Private Endpoint IP in the local ADF VNET which is connected to the PLS created earlier. Click on "Create" once everything is entered.

Figure 9

11. Click on "Linked Services" under Connections and from the Linked Services page, select "New" as shown below:

Figure 10

12. From the New Linked Service page, search for "sql" and select the "SQL Server" as shown below:

Figure 11

13. Click on the highlighted item as shown below to change integration runtime settings:

Figure 12

14. Click on the highlighted item as shown below to enable Interactive Authoring:

Figure 13

15. Enter the information that matches your SQL Server and click on "Test Connection" to verify connectivity is working as shown below:

Figure 14

16. Follow the same steps to create a Linked Service to a file Share as shown below:

Figure 15


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