A college management system, providing basic functionality for these modules:
- Student
- Teacher
- Course
- Subject
- Result
- Grade
All modules have CRUD fucntionalites avaialble.
- .Net Standard
- ASP.Net MVC 5
- Angular Js
- Type Script
- Java Script
- Signal R
- Entity Framework
- SQL Server
- .Net (Standard) Framework (Runtime) 4.7.2 Link: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet-framework/net472
- SQL Server (2014 onwards) Link: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/sql-server/sql-server-downloads
- Windows environment
- .Net (Standard) Framework (Developer Pack) 4.7.2 Link: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet-framework/net472
- Node JS v 16.17.0 Link:https://nodejs.org/en/download/releases/
- Angular cli "~11.0.2" Command: npm install -g @angular/[email protected]
Method 1 (In Visual Studio):
Install these dependencies:
a. SQL Server
b. Visual Studio
d. .Net Framework
d. Any browser -
Open the project in Visual Studio
Build the solution and let the NueGt restore the packages
Set "MagniCollegeManagementSystem" as the startup project and run the solution
Application will run after setting up the DB and seed data
Method 2 (On IIS):
Install these dependencies:
a. SQL Server
b. Visual Studio
c. .Net Framework
d. Any browser -
Open the project in Visual Studio (Must be opened as Administrator)
Build the main solution and let the Nuget restore the packages
Set "EnvironmentSetter" as startup project and run the solution
The program will take care of setting up everything and it will launch applicatoin in the browser
Install these dependencies:
a. SQL Server
b. Visual Studio
c. Any browser
d. .Net Framework
e. Node Js
f. Angular CLI -
Open the project in Visual Studio
Build the solution and let the NuGet restore the packages.
Run npm instal command in "MagniCollegeManagementSystem\Client"
For .Net side development, explore the project "MagniCollegeManagementSystem" except the folder 'Client'
For Angular side development, explore the folder 'Client' in "MagniCollegeManagementSystem" web project. This folder has all code related to Angular applciation
Responsible for:
a: Adding business logic (If any) -
Responsible for:
a: Containing unit tests for the proejcts -
Responsible for:
a: Creating the DB at first run
b: Adding seed data
c: Performing DB operations
d: Providing abstration around DB operations -
Responsible for setting environment to run application on IIS by
a: Activating windows features required for the IIS
b: Creating applicaiotn pool and applicaiton in IIS
c: Creating DB in SQL server and assigning DB access rights to IIS pool login
d: Running application -
Conatains web application including
a: Routing logic
b: Views
c: Angular code
d: ASP.NET code
The application makes use of ASP.NET MVC 5 and Angular architecture.
When angular application is built, it's generated output files are placed inside "Script" folder in MVC project.
When MVC project runs, it launches it's index view.
Inside index view "app-root" component (Basic building block of angular application)is rendered, which makes Angular application run inside the MVC view.
Every time, application starts, it doest start the Angular application along.
(Will be updated furhter..)