A Web-aapplication for manuscripts annotation.
To install do the following:
- Install latest stable versions of npm and nodejs (make sure node version is 9.x)
- Clone or download the git repository
- On the git run in command line "npm install -g nodemon" and "npm install"
- Move to the client directory and run in command line "npm install
- Create a local mongoDB with a database named 'web-annotator'
To run:
For development mode:
- From git repo run "nodemon" to run the server from command line
- cd "/client" directory and run "npm start" from command line
- the server will run on localhost:8000.
For production mode: only on the first time
- cd "'projet-folder-path'/etc"
- run "chmod 777 ./run-server"
- run "sudo ./run-server"