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Arduino Library for Controlling DJI Tello Drones with ESP32


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TelloESP32: Arduino Library for Controlling DJI Tello Drones with ESP32



Control your DJI Tello drone with an ESP32 microcontroller using this easy-to-use Arduino library! Inspired by the djitellopy Python library, TelloESP32brings similar functionality to the Arduino ecosystem, enabling embedded Tello applications.

Key Features:

  • Simplified C++ API: Control flight, video, and drone state with a clean C++ interface designed for Arduino.
  • ESP32 Optimized: Leverages the ESP32's dual-core processor and WiFi capabilities for efficient communication and video processing.
  • Flight Control: Take off, land, move, rotate, and flip with simple functions.
  • Video Streaming: Receive and process live H.264 video data with a callback function. (Note: Resource intensive; consider lower resolutions/framerates).
  • State Monitoring: Access real-time telemetry like battery level, altitude, speed, temperature, and IMU data. Direct state access (faster) and query commands are provided.
  • Mission Pad Support (Tello EDU): Interface with Tello mission pads for programmed flight.
  • Network Configuration (Tello EDU): Change the Tello's WiFi SSID and password.

Getting Started


  1. Arduino Library Manager (Recommended): Search for "TelloESP32" in the Library Manager and install.
  2. Manual: Download the latest release ZIP, rename the folder to TelloESP32, and place it in your Arduino libraries directory.


The examples folder contains practical demonstrations of key library features:

  • Basic Flight: Simple takeoff, movement, and landing.
  • Video Streaming: Receiving video data and (optionally) displaying it or processing it.


Basic Connection

Here's how to connect to your Tello drone:

#include <TelloESP32.h>

using namespace TelloControl;

TelloESP32 tello;

void setup() {

  // Connect to the Tello's WiFi network
  TelloStatus status = tello.connect("TELLO-XXXXXX", ""); // Replace with your Tello's SSID and password if needed

  if (status == TelloStatus::OK) {
    Serial.println("Connected to Tello!");

    // You can start sending commands now
  } else {
    Serial.print("Error connecting to Tello: ");

void loop() {
  // Your main loop code (e.g., reading sensor data, sending RC commands)


  1. Include: Include the TelloESP32.h header file.
  2. Namespace: Use the TelloControl namespace to avoid naming conflicts.
  3. Object: Create a TelloESP32 object (e.g., tello).
  4. Serial Monitor: Initialize the serial monitor for debugging (optional but recommended).
  5. Connect: Use the connect() method to connect to the Tello's WiFi network. Replace "TELLO-XXXXXX" with your drone's SSID (found on the battery compartment) and leave the password empty unless you've set one on your drone.
  6. Status Check: Check the returned TelloStatus to ensure the connection was successful.

Sending Commands

Use the various command methods provided by the library to control the drone:

// ... (after successful connection)

delay(5000);          // Wait 5 seconds
tello.move_forward(50); // Move forward 50 cm
tello.rotate_clockwise(90); // Rotate 90 degrees clockwise

Receiving State Data

You can access the drone's state information in two ways:

1. Query Commands:

int battery = tello.query_battery();
Serial.print("Battery: ");

int height = tello.query_height();
Serial.print("Height: ");
Serial.println(" cm");

2. Direct State Getters (Faster):

int battery = tello.get_battery();
Serial.print("Battery: ");

int height = tello.get_height();
Serial.print("Height: ");
Serial.println(" cm");

Video Streaming

#include <TelloESP32.h>

using namespace TelloControl;

TelloESP32 tello;

// Video data callback function
void videoDataCallback(const uint8_t *data, size_t length) {
  // Process the video data here (e.g., send it over serial, display it on a screen)
  Serial.printf("Received video data: %u bytes\n", length);

  // Example: Print the first 10 bytes of the video frame
  for (int i = 0; i < 10 && i < length; i++) {
    Serial.printf("%02X ", data[i]);

void setup() {
  // Connect to Tello
  if (tello.connect("TELLO-XXXXXX", "") == TelloStatus::OK) {
    Serial.println("Connected to Tello!");

    // Set the video data callback function

    // Start video streaming
  } else {
    Serial.println("Failed to connect to Tello");

void loop() {
  // Your main loop code can go here

API Reference

Connection and Initialization

  • TelloESP32(): Constructor. Initializes the object.
  • ~TelloESP32(): Destructor. Cleans up resources.
  • TelloStatus connect(const char *ssid, const char *password, unsigned long timeout_ms = 10000): Connects to the Tello's WiFi network.
    • ssid: The Tello's SSID (e.g., "TELLO-XXXXXX").
    • password: The Tello's WiFi password (usually empty).
    • timeout_ms: Connection timeout in milliseconds.
    • Returns: TelloStatus indicating success or failure.
  • void disconnect(): Disconnects from the Tello.
  • bool isConnected() const: Returns true if connected, false otherwise.

Flight Control

  • TelloStatus takeoff(): Initiates takeoff.
  • TelloStatus land(): Initiates landing.
  • bool isFlying() const: Returns true if the drone is in the air, false otherwise.

Movement Commands

  • TelloStatus move_up(int cm): Move up by cm (20-500).
  • TelloStatus move_down(int cm): Move down by cm (20-500).
  • TelloStatus move_left(int cm): Move left by cm (20-500).
  • TelloStatus move_right(int cm): Move right by cm (20-500).
  • TelloStatus move_forward(int cm): Move forward by cm (20-500).
  • TelloStatus move_back(int cm): Move back by cm (20-500).
  • TelloStatus rotate_clockwise(int degrees): Rotate clockwise by degrees (1-360).
  • TelloStatus rotate_counter_clockwise(int degrees): Rotate counter-clockwise by degrees (1-360).

Flip Commands

  • TelloStatus flip_left(): Flip to the left.
  • TelloStatus flip_right(): Flip to the right.
  • TelloStatus flip_forward(): Flip forward.
  • TelloStatus flip_back(): Flip backward.

Motor Control

  • TelloStatus turn_motor_on(): Turns the motors on (for testing on the ground, not for flying).
  • TelloStatus turn_motor_off(): Turns the motors off.

Advanced Movement

  • TelloStatus go_xyz_speed(int x, int y, int z, int speed): Move to coordinates x, y, z at speed (x, y, z: -500 to 500, speed: 10-100).
  • TelloStatus curve_xyz_speed(int x1, int y1, int z1, int x2, int y2, int z2, int speed): Fly a curve from (x1, y1, z1) to (x2, y2, z2) at speed (x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2: -500 to 500, speed: 10-60).
  • TelloStatus set_speed(int speed): Set the drone's speed (10-100 cm/s).
  • void send_rc_control(int left_right_velocity, int forward_backward_velocity, int up_down_velocity, int yaw_velocity): Send RC control commands (-100 to 100 for each parameter).

Query Commands

  • int query_speed() const: Get the current speed setting.
  • int query_battery() const: Get the current battery percentage.
  • int query_time() const: Get the current flight time.
  • int query_height() const: Get the current height (in dm).
  • int query_temp() const: Get the current temperature (average).
  • float query_attitude() const: Get the current attitude (pitch, roll, yaw).
  • float query_baro() const: Get the barometer reading.
  • float query_tof() const: Get the time-of-flight distance.
  • String query_wifi() const: Get the WiFi SNR (signal-to-noise ratio).
  • String query_sdk() const: Get the Tello SDK version.
  • String query_sn() const: Get the Tello serial number.

Direct State Getters

  • int get_height() const: Get the current height in cm.
  • int get_battery() const: Get the current battery percentage.
  • int get_flight_time() const: Get the current flight time in seconds.
  • float get_temperature() const: Get the current temperature in Celsius.
  • float get_barometer() const: Get the current barometer reading in meters.
  • float get_tof() const: Get the current TOF (time-of-flight) distance in cm.
  • int get_pitch() const: Get the current pitch in degrees.
  • int get_roll() const: Get the current roll in degrees.
  • int get_yaw() const: Get the current yaw in degrees.
  • int get_speed_x() const: Get the current x-axis speed in cm/s.
  • int get_speed_y() const: Get the current y-axis speed in cm/s.
  • int get_speed_z() const: Get the current z-axis speed in cm/s.
  • float get_acceleration_x() const: Get the current x-axis acceleration in cm/s².
  • float get_acceleration_y() const: Get the current y-axis acceleration in cm/s².
  • float get_acceleration_z() const: Get the current z-axis acceleration in cm/s².

Video Configuration

  • TelloStatus set_video_bitrate(VideoBitrate bitrate): Set the video bitrate.
  • TelloStatus set_video_resolution(VideoResolution resolution): Set the video resolution.
  • TelloStatus set_video_fps(VideoFPS fps): Set the video FPS (frames per second).

Video Streaming

  • TelloStatus streamon(): Start video streaming.
  • TelloStatus streamoff(): Stop video streaming.
  • typedef void (*VideoDataCallback)(const uint8_t *data, size_t length): The function pointer type for the video data callback.
  • void setVideoDataCallback(VideoDataCallback callback): Sets the callback function that will be called when new video data is received.
  • bool startVideoRecording(const char* filename): Start recording video and save to the file specified by filename.

Mission Pad

  • TelloStatus enable_mission_pads(): Enable mission pad detection.
  • TelloStatus disable_mission_pads(): Disable mission pad detection.
  • TelloStatus set_mission_pad_detection_direction(int direction): Set the direction for mission pad detection (0: both, 1: downward, 2: forward).

Network Configuration

  • TelloStatus set_wifi_credentials(const char *ssid, const char *password): Set the WiFi credentials for the Tello to connect to a different network (AP mode).
  • TelloStatus connect_to_wifi(const char *ssid, const char *password): Connect the Tello to a specified WiFi network in station mode.

Camera Control

  • TelloStatus set_video_direction(CameraDirection direction): Set the camera direction (forward or downward).

Expansion Board

  • TelloStatus send_expansion_command(const char *cmd): Send a custom command to the Tello expansion board.


  • Connection problems? Double-check your Tello SSID and WiFi credentials. Restart your ESP32 and the Tello. Ensure a strong WiFi signal.
  • Commands not working? Make sure you call connect() successfully. Verify the returned TelloStatus. Ensure there's a sufficient delay (e.g., 500ms) between commands.
  • Video stream issues? Confirm streamon() is called and that your setVideoDataCallback() function is correct. Video processing within the callback should be as fast as possible to avoid blocking other operations. Lower resolutions and frame rates may be necessary on the ESP32.


Contributions are welcome! Please follow the existing coding style and submit pull requests.



Arduino Library for Controlling DJI Tello Drones with ESP32








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