Linux python tool to mass copy data to USB sticks in an mostly automated way
- clone or download this repository
$ git clone
- navigate to newly created directory
$ cd usbstick_masscopy
- setup an virtual environment
$ python3 -m venv env
- activate virtual environment
$ source env/bin/activate
- setup python packages
(masscopy-env) $ pip3 install -r pip_requirements.txt
- start main script with the source folder
sudo ./ --interactive --source="~/mysource/folder"
- now there is a interactive menu shown (every command is done on 'enter'-key)
- first you can start the mapping process with 'map'
- now use on usb-stick to put in every usb-port you want to use later - do this in the order you want them to be assigned. its best to first use some tape and write the numbers on the ports - and than do the mapping
- to stop the mapping process use the 'done' command
- there is an table shown with all mappings.
- now you can start the copy process with 'start'
- if you now insert an USB stick in on of the mapped ports
the tool will
- rename the stick to the label defined in the 'config.json' file
- mount the stick
- copy all files from the source folder onto the stick
- unmount the stick
- if done it will show up as 'done' in the port-status row
- to exit the programm just use 'q' (and as with every command run it with 'enter'-key)