This is dry-wit, a framework for bash scripts.
This project is useful when writing new scripts. It provides a common layout and a toolbox of functions to help writing shell scripts from scratch.
Since Bash is an interpreted language, you can review the contents of dry-wit yourself.
It comes with a number of modules.
- Use this shebang in your scripts.
#!/usr/bin/env dry-wit
- Write the only mandatory function
The main()
function is the starting point of your script. You don't need to care about anything but the funcional requirements of your script.
You can check other dry-wit scripts as a reference. For example,
If you are a Nix user, you can create your own scripts using dry-wit and package them as Nix flakes too.
Here's a template you can use, assuming the script is in a git repository under the src/
# Sample flake for a dry-wit script.
description = "A dry-wit script";
inputs = rec {
flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils/v1.0.0";
nixos.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-23.05";
dry-wit = {
inputs.flake-utils.follows = "flake-utils";
inputs.nixos.follows = "nixos";
url = "github:rydnr/dry-wit/3.0.3?dir=nix";
outputs = inputs:
with inputs;
defaultSystems = flake-utils.lib.defaultSystems;
supportedSystems = if builtins.elem "armv6l-linux" defaultSystems then
defaultSystems ++ [ "armv6l-linux" ];
in flake-utils.lib.eachSystem supportedSystems (system:
org = "[your-user]";
repo = "[the-script-repo]";
pname = "${org}-${repo}";
version = "0.0.1";
pkgs = import nixos { inherit system; };
description =
"A dry-wit script";
license = pkgs.lib.licenses.gpl3;
homepage = "${org}/${repo}";
maintainers = [ "rydnr <[email protected]>" ];
my-script-for = { dry-wit }:
pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
inherit pname version;
src = ../.;
buildInputs = [ dry-wit ];
phases = [ "unpackPhase" "installPhase" ];
installPhase = ''
mkdir -p $out/bin
cp -r src/* $out/bin
chmod +x $out/bin/*
cp LICENSE $out/
for f in $out/bin/*.sh; do
substituteInPlace $f \
--replace "#!/usr/bin/env dry-wit" "#!/usr/bin/env ${dry-wit}/dry-wit"
meta = with pkgs.lib; {
inherit description homepage license maintainers;
in rec {
defaultPackage = packages.default;
packages = rec {
default = update-sha256-in-nix-flake-default;
my-script-default = my-script-bash5;
my-script-bash5 = my-script-for {
dry-wit = dry-wit.packages.${system}.dry-wit-bash5;
my-script-zsh = my-script-for {
dry-wit = dry-wit.packages.${system}.dry-wit-zsh;
my-script-fish = my-script-for {
dry-wit = dry-wit.packages.${system}.dry-wit-fish;
I recommend you to package your script as a flake, so Nix manages the dry-wit
dependency for you.
To do so, check the latest tag of this repository and use it instead of the [version]
placeholder below.
description = "[..]";
inputs = rec {
dry-wit = {
[optional follows]
url =
outputs = [..]
Then, in your package, declare dry-wit
input as a dependency:
propagatedBuildInputs = [ dry-wit ];
Basically, in order to write dry-wit scripts you'll need to do the following:
- Clone this repository under
git clone $HOME/.dry-wit
- Add
to your PATH:
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.dry-wit/src' >> $HOME/.bashrc
Note for Mac OS X users:
- Your MacOS X might come with an old version of Bash. dry-wit requires Bash 4+. To use a recent version, install homebrew, then bash, and run
chsh -s /usr/local/bin/bash
- Additionally, dry-wit requires the following brew formulae:
- greadlink
- coreutils
- pidof
- wget
brew install greadlink
brew install coreutils
brew install pidof
brew install wget