- sethduda/AdvancedSlingLoading#29
- https://github.com/michaudm/AdvancedSlingLoading_Fork/tree/fix_multiple_cargo
- https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/DIK_KeyCodes
- https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Creating_an_Addon
- https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Functions_Library
Built using Arma 3 Tools - AddonBuilder
Source dir : advanced_sling_loading_refactored\AdvancedSlingLoadingRefactored
Destination dir : advanced_sling_loading_refactored\build@AdvancedSlingLoadingRefactored\addons
DO NOT Binarize
Use my private key.
Using Arma 3 Tools - Publisher
Select "Advanced Sling Loading Refactored" in the "published items" list.
Adding meaningful "Change Notes".
check agree and click update.
key action
DOWN Deploy single rope
Shift + DOWN Deploy double rope
Ctrl + DOWN Deploy triple rope
UP Retract rope (all)
RIGHT Extend rope (all)
LEFT Shorten rope (all)
Shift + Ctrl + LEFT Release cargo (all)
CBA stuff
- https://www.reddit.com/r/armadev/comments/hzcnb3/tutorial_creating_a_simple_mod_following_the_cba/
- https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/168277-cba-community-base-addons-arma-3/
- https://github.com/CBATeam/CBA_A3/wiki/Extended-Event-Handlers-(new)
client and server prefix
One can limit the Extended Event Handlers to just clients or just servers by placing it in a server*** or client*** entry.
- Events with the client prefix will be executed on every machine, except on dedicated servers. (!isDedicated)
- Events with the server prefix will be executed on only the server machine. (isServer)
clientInit = "diag_log 'You are a client'";
serverInit = "diag_log 'You are a server'";
Note about remote execution, this provides a hint about what functions need to be on the server.
The sling actions appear when looking at a vehicle, but do nothing when I select them. How do I fix that?
Most likely your server is setup with a white list for remote executions. In
order to fix this, you need to modify your mission's description.ext file,
adding the following CfgRemoteExec rules. If using InfiStar you should edit your
cfgremoteexec.hpp instead of the description.ext file.
See wiki/Arma_3_Remote_Execution
for more
details on CfgRemoteExec.
- https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Remote_Execution
- https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_CfgRemoteExec
Allowed targets:
0 - can target all machines (default)
1 - can only target clients, execution on the server is denied
2 - can only target the server, execution on clients is denied
Any other value will be treated as 0.
class CfgRemoteExec
class Functions
class ASL_Pickup_Ropes { allowedTargets=0; };
class ASL_Deploy_Ropes_Index { allowedTargets=0; };
class ASL_Rope_Set_Mass { allowedTargets=0; };
class ASL_Extend_Ropes { allowedTargets=0; };
class ASL_Shorten_Ropes { allowedTargets=0; };
class ASL_Release_Cargo { allowedTargets=0; };
class ASL_Retract_Ropes { allowedTargets=0; };
class ASL_Deploy_Ropes { allowedTargets=0; };
class ASL_Attach_Ropes { allowedTargets=0; };
class ASL_Drop_Ropes { allowedTargets=0; };
class ASL_Hint { allowedTargets=1; };
class ASL_Hide_Object_Global { allowedTargets=2; };
From Arma 3 discord #arma3_scripting channel
Taro — 10/15/2018 6:43 AM
class CfgPatches
class no_animals
requiredAddons[] = {"CBA_Extended_EventHandlers"};
units[] = {};
weapons[] = {};
requiredVersion = 0.1;
version = 1;
class Extended_PostInit_EventHandlers
class no_animals
clientInit = "call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers '\no_animals\init.sqf'";
Dedmen (ง •̀_•́)ง — 10/15/2018 6:45 AM
Yep. Don't see anything wrong
Dedmen (ง •̀_•́)ง — 10/15/2018 7:06 AM
If it's just one line of code you could also place it directly in the config
Another showing a serverInit line
class CfgPatches {
class FEZOPS {
units[] = {};
weapons[] = {};
requiredVersion = 1.83;
requiredAddons[] = {
author[] = {"Fetzen"};
authorUrl = "";
version = "1.0";
versionStr = "1.0";
license = "https://www.bohemia.net/community/licenses/arma-public-license-share-alike";
class Extended_PreInit_EventHandlers {
class FEZOPS {
serverinit = "call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'FEZOPS\Fezops_Init.sqf'";
- ✓ refactor functions into client and server scripts using the CBA extended event handlers. Mod will need to be plugged in to both the server and the clients, but this should be cleaner for network activity and eliminate that odd caching glitch
- ✓ Apply the multiple ropes fix
- ✓ Add the CBA keybindings to the client context
Nice to have
- Add some debug hint output for weight limits and target weight
- Add some information about the rope length