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Surfs up!

cli-surf is a real time ocean data and forecasting service used in the command line.

Inspired by

Documentation | Discord

πŸ’» Usage

Using your browser or command-line interface you can access the service.

$ curl localhost:8000

Location:  San Diego

    .`   .`
_.-'     '._ 
UV index:  6.4
Wave Height:  3.9
Wave Direction:  238.0
Wave Period:  9.8

cli-surf gif


Argument Description
location / loc Specify the location of your forecast. Ex: location=new_york_city or location=nyc.
forecast / fc Number of forecast days. Max = 7, default = 0
hide_wave / hw Hide the default wave art
show_large_wave / slw Show the large wave art
show_air_temp / sat Show the air temp
show_wind_speed / sws Show the wind speed
show_wind_direction / swd Show the wind direction
show_rain_sum / srs Show the rain sum
show_precipitation_prob / spp Show the max precipitation chance
hide_uv / huv Hide uv index
show_past_uv / spuv Show past uv index
hide_past_uv Hide past uv index
show_height_history / shh Show past wave height index
hide_height_history Hide past wave height index
show_direction_history / sdh Show past wave direction index
hide_direction_history Hide past wave direction index
show_period_history / sph Show past wave period index
hide_period_history Hide past wave period index
hide_height / hh Hide surf height
hide_direction / hdir Hide Swell direction
hide_period / hp Hide swell period
hide_location / hl Hide location
hide_date / hdate Hide date in forecast
metric / m Numbers in Metric units. Defaults to Imperial
decimal / dec Specify decimal points in output
color / c Choose color of wave art. Ex: color=light_blue
json / j Output the data in JSON format. Must be the only argument
gpt / g Activates the GPT surf report. Change the GPT_PROMPT variable in .env to customize responses. Default = off
show_cloud_cover / scc Show the hourly cloud cover
show_visibility / sv Show the hourly visibility


  • Arguments are seperated by commas.
  • curl localhost:8000
  • curl localhost:8000?location=new_york,hide_height,hide_wave,show_large_wave
  • curl localhost:8000?fc=3,hdate,loc=trestles
  • curl localhost:8000?show_past_uv,show_height_history,show_direction_history,show_period_history

For detailed information you can access the help page

  • curl localhost:8000/help

πŸ› οΈ Setup

How to Start Locally with Poetry

To use cli-surf, clone the project locally and install the necessary dependencies via poetry.

  1. Install Poetry.

  2. Clone the repository.

    git clone
    cd cli-surf
  3. Install dependencies and Activate the virtual environment.

    make install
  4. Run the project. For example, if the entry point is, use the following command.

    python src/
    # Alternatively, you can run the project using `Makefile`
    make run

How to Start with Docker

If you do not have Poetry installed or do not want to pollute your local environment, you can also start the project using Docker Compose.

  1. Install Docker.

  2. Install Docker Compose.

  3. Clone the repository.

    git clone
    cd cli-surf
  4. Docker compose up.

    docker compose up -d
    # Alternatively, you can run the project using `Makefile`
    make run_docker


When running locally with Poetry, create a .env file from the .env.example file.

cp .env.example .env

Note that when starting with Docker, the .env file will be automatically created from .env.example during the image build.

Variable Description
PORT The port you want to open to run the application. Default = 8000
IP_ADDRESS The ip your server is running on. Default = localhost
SMTP_SERVER The email server you are using. Default =
SMTP_PORT The email server port you are using. Default = 587
EMAIL The email you will send the report from.
EMAIL_PW The sending email's password
EMAIL_RECEIVER The email that will receive the report (your personal email)
COMMAND The command that will be ran and shown in the email. Default = localhost:8000
SUBJECT The email's subject. Default = Surf Report
GPT_PROMPT Given the surf data (height, swell direction, etc.), you can tell the GPT what kind of report you would like. For example: With this data, recommend what size board I should ride and nearby surf spots that may be better with the given conditions.
API_KEY Your OpenAI API key. Optional, the default GPT does not need an API key (and has slighly worse performance). Create one here
GPT_MODEL The OpenAI GPT model. Default = gpt-3.5-turbo (if possible, using gpt-4o is recommended.) Explore other models here

Email Server

Optional, sends a surf report to a specified email.

You will need to setup an email account that is able to utilize SMTP services. Gmail can be used, following Method #1 outlined here. After doing this, change the variables in .env

The Email Server can be executed using one of the following methods.

# Send Email locally using Poetry
make send_email

# Send Email in a Docker container
make send_email_docker

Note that the Flask server must be running in order to send emails.


cli-surf_website gif

Although this application was made with the cli in mind, there is a frontend.

Streamlit Frontend

Streamlit is used!

To run streamlit: streamlit run src/

You will be able to find the frontend here: http://localhost:8502

HTML/JS/CSS Frontend


Streamlit is now the main focus for the frontend. This legacy frontend is no longer being actively developed.

http://localhost:8000/home or <ip_of_host>:<port>/home if the application is running on a different host or you have changed the default port.

You may need to change IP_ADDRESS in .env to match the ip of the host running the machine.

Now, running python3 will launch the website!

🧠 GPT Surf Report

cli-surf can generate personalized surf reports using OpenAI's GPT models. This section is for those that choose to not rely on gpt4free as the repo faces pending legal action.

Enabling GPT Reports

  1. Obtain an OpenAI API Key:

    • Sign up at OpenAI.
    • Navigate to the API section and create a new API key.
    • Make sure to add a payment method.
  2. Update .env File:

    GPT_PROMPT=With this data, recommend what size board I should ride and nearby surf spots that may be better with the given conditions.
    GPT_MODEL=gpt-3.5-turbo  # Or use gpt-4 for better results
  3. Use the GPT Argument::

    • Example Usage:
curl localhost:8000?location=Malibu,gpt

Customizing the GPT Prompt You can tailor the response by changing the GPT_PROMPT in your .env file to get different types of reports.

  • Common Examples:
      GPT_PROMPT="Analyze the surf conditions and suggest the best time of day to surf."
     GPT_PROMPT="What are some good places to eat around this surf spot"

Notes on Usage

  • Common Issue: Without a payment method, this feature will not work as OpenAI will deny API requests from these accounts.
  • API Costs: Using the GPT feature will consume tokens from your OpenAI account based on the size of your custom prompt and the responses.
  • Response Time: Generating GPT responses may take longer than standard outputs, especially if there are outages.
  • Model Selection: Using gpt-4 provides better results but may be slower and more expensive than gpt-3.5-turbo.

πŸ“ˆ Contributing

Thank you for considering contributing to cli-surf!

See to get an idea of how contributions work.

Questions? Comments?

✨ Contributors

All Contributors

Ryan Frederich
Ryan Frederich

πŸ’» πŸ“– ⚠️ πŸ€” πŸ’¬

πŸ’» πŸ“– ⚠️ πŸ€” πŸ’¬
Corey L.
Corey L.

Shaiful Azhar
Shaiful Azhar




Andrew Koller
Andrew Koller

Michael McGrain
Michael McGrain


Rabel Mervin
Rabel Mervin

Vaibhav Chouhan
Vaibhav Chouhan

Nandani Thakur
Nandani Thakur



πŸ’» πŸ›
Myles B.
Myles B.

Balaji Ganapathy
Balaji Ganapathy


Varun Singh
Varun Singh



Latif Fetahaj
Latif Fetahaj

πŸ’» ⚠️

