Deputy CSS is a simple CSS "mini-library" with helpful css classes for common design requirements.
see GitHub page here
The project is generated with SASS.
It includes padding, margin, width, border, color, typography, and general helpers.
It's a little bit backwards from the "semantic only" school of thought but it has practical purposes. Building with deputy allows for a more modular site build to allow less knowledgeable end users to duplicate and modify elements quickly and easily.
"I want this div to have 20 pixels of padding" --- Some guy
<div class="pad-20">
Also included are helpers to apply padding to only certain sides of an element
"I want 20 pixels of padding on the left side of this div" --- Same guy as before
<div class="pad-20 pad-l-only">
<div class="pad-l-20">
Padding and Margin classes are generated in increments of 5 up to 100. Each increment has 5 rules:
/* padding 20 */
.pad-20 { padding: 20px !important; }
.pad-t-20 { padding-top: 20px !important; }
.pad-r-20 { padding-right: 20px !important; }
.pad-b-20 { padding-bottom: 20px !important; }
.pad-l-20 { padding-left: 20px !important; }
/* margin 20 */
.m-20 { margin: 20px !important; }
.m-t-20 { margin-top: 20px !important; }
.m-r-20 { margin-right: 20px !important; }
.m-b-20 { margin-bottom: 20px !important; }
.m-l-20 { margin-left: 20px !important; }
and .no-padding
- These set padding/margin to 0 on an element
Additional classes are available to remove the margin and/or padding on specified sides.
ex. .no-pad-l, .no-m-l, .no-pad-tb, .no-m-lr
There are also some special classes such as .m-auto
which sets auto left and right margin.
Width classes are generated from 1-100% as .w-1 { } .... .w-100 { }
Width classes are also generated in a fractional format such as .w-1-5
. This means 1/5 width or 20%.
Fraction denomintors are generated from 2 to 24
.w-1-2 { width: 49.99% !important; }
.w-5-14 { width: 35.70429% !important; }
.w-23-24 { width: 95.82333% !important; }
.01 is subtracted from every value just to not have to deal with weird rounding stuff.
Border classes are generated from 1-10 such as
/* border-3 */
.border-3 { border: 3px solid; }
.border-t-3 { border-top: 3px solid; }
.border-r-3 { border-right: 3px solid; }
.border-b-3 { border-bottom: 3px solid; }
.border-l-3 { border-left: 3px solid; }
this can be combined with other border classes for color and style.
<div class="border-b-1 border-dashed border-grey">
some thing
The _variables.scss
file contains 6 color variables from black to white.
The defaults are:
$black: #000;
$white: #fff;
$grey: #999;
$lightGrey: #e5e5e5;
$mediumGrey: #ccc;
$darkGrey: #222;
These are used to create border, text color, and background classes
The color by itself is a font color class. ex:
.medium-grey { color:$mediumGrey; }
Prefix bg-
for background color and border-
for border color.
The colors in the css are
black, light-grey, medium-grey, grey, dark-grey, white|fff