- Windows 11 and WSA Installed
- 7zip is installed
- Developer Mode is enabled in WSA
- Android App in apk, apks, apkm or sapk format.
- WSA is Running
- Clone this.
- Get into cloned directory.
- Create ShortCuts to Android App Installer.bat as "Android App Installer", "WSAsettings.bat" as "WSA Settings" and "PushtoWSA.bat" as "Push To WSA"
- For Enhanced Experience, Change shortcut icons to respective icons in resource Folder.
- Create Shortcut to "%AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs" as "Start Menu".
- Create ShortCut to "%appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo" as "Send To"
- Copy "Android App Installer" and "Push To WSA" to "Send To" Shortcut
- Copy "WSA Settings" to "Start Menu" Shortcut
- Right Click on Any Android App File (.apk, .apks, .apkm, .sapk) Go to Send to and Click on Android App Installer. (The app will shortly be installed).
- To Copy Any File to WSA, Right Click on the file Go to Send To and Click on Push to WSA. (File will be copied to WSA Download Location)
- And A Shortcut to WSA internal Settings will be appeared in Start Menu with Name "WSA Settings" if you have followed the steps exactly.