A utility for running commands on other computers via TRIGGERcmd.com
Download the binary for your OS from here.
tcmd --pair
open C:\Users\fred\.TRIGGERcmdData\token.tkn: The system cannot find the file specified.
No token found.
Within 10 minutes, log into your account at triggercmd.com, click your name in the upper-right, click Pair, and type in this pair code:
Waiting..........Token saved.
Go ahead and run something like: tcmd --list
tcmd.exe -h
tcmd - Run commands on computers in your TRIGGERcmd account
tcmd.exe [options]
--trigger value, -t value Trigger name of the command you want to run
--computer value, -c value Name of the computer (leave blank for your default computer)
--params value, -p value Any parameters you want to add to the remote command
--panel value, -P value Name of the panel you want to use
--button value, -b value Name of the panel button to "press"
--list, -l List your commands
--listpanels, -L List your panels
--pair Login using a pair code
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version