restart: always
- PORT=3000
- BASE_URL=myapp.nginx-internal
- myapp.nginx-internal
-- noinspection SqlNoDataSourceInspectionForFile
set role "postgres";
do $$ begin
create user "_app_admin" with createrole password 'password';
when duplicate_object
then raise notice 'not creating user "_app_admin"';
end $$;
do $$ begin
create role "_app_reader" with noinherit;
when duplicate_object
then raise notice 'not creating role "_app_reader"';
end $$;
create schema if not exists "_app_schedule";
alter schema "_app_schedule" owner to "_app_admin";
grant all on schema "_app_schedule" to "_app_admin";
grant all on all tables in schema "_app_schedule" to "_app_admin";
grant all on all sequences in schema "_app_schedule" to "_app_admin";
grant all on all functions in schema "_app_schedule" to "_app_admin";
grant all on all routines in schema "_app_schedule" to "_app_admin";
alter default privileges in schema "_app_schedule" grant all on tables to "_app_admin";
alter default privileges in schema "_app_schedule" grant all on sequences to "_app_admin";
alter default privileges in schema "_app_schedule" grant all on functions to "_app_admin";
alter default privileges in schema "_app_schedule" grant all on routines to "_app_admin";
-- grant reader
grant usage on schema "_app_schedule" to "_app_reader";
grant select on all tables in schema "_app_schedule" to "_app_reader";
grant select on all sequences in schema "_app_schedule" to "_app_reader";
alter default privileges in schema "_app_schedule" grant select on tables to "_app_reader";
alter default privileges in schema "_app_schedule" grant select on sequences to "_app_reader";
set role "_app_admin";
alter default privileges in schema "_app_schedule" grant select on tables to "_app_reader";
alter default privileges in schema "_app_schedule" grant select on sequences to "_app_reader";
set role postgres;
use Rvkulikov\Yii2\Scheduler\Components\ConnectionLocatorInterface;
use Rvkulikov\Yii2\Scheduler\Components\JobsLocator;
use Rvkulikov\Yii2\Scheduler\Components\JobsLocatorInterface;
use Rvkulikov\Yii2\Scheduler\Components\SettingsLocatorInterface;
use Rvkulikov\Yii2\Scheduler\Module as ScheduleModule;
return [
'modules' => [
/// регистрировать можно только в консольном приложении
/// или в приложении, которое не смотрит наружу, так как
/// в контроллерах нет авторизации
'schedule' => ['class' => ScheduleModule::class],
'container' => [
'singletons' => [
ConnectionLocatorInterface::class => [
'db' => 'dbApp',
'schema' => $params['db_app.schema_app_schedule']
JobsLocatorInterface::class => [
'preprocessor' => [JobsLocator::class, 'preprocessTuples'],
'definitions' => fn() => require __DIR__ . '/jobs.php'
SettingsLocatorInterface::class => [
'cronEnabled' => fn() => \Yii::$app->params['app.schedule.cronEnabled']
return array_merge(...[
class AppJobInvoker
public const JOB_1 = 'app/job1';
public const JOB_2 = 'app/job2';
public const JOB_3 = 'app/job3';
public const JOB_4 = 'app/job4';
public const JOB_5 = 'app/job5';
public static function buildJobDefinitionTuples(): array
return [
[self::JOB_1, [self::class, 'job1'], ["*/3 * * * * *"]],
[self::JOB_2, [self::class, 'job2'], ["*/5 * * * * *"]],
[self::JOB_3, [self::class, 'job3'], ["*/7 * * * * *"]],
[self::JOB_4, [self::class, 'job4'], ["*/11 * * * * *"]],
[self::JOB_5, [self::class, 'job5'], ["*/13 * * * * *"]],
public static function job1(): array
return ['job_id' => 1];
public static function job2(): array
return ['job_id' => 2];
public static function job3(): array
return ['job_id' => 3];
public static function job4(): array
return ['job_id' => 4];
public static function job5(): array
return ['job_id' => 5];
php yii schedule/migrate/up
php yii schedule/migrate-jobs/run --strategy soft