This repository contains the implementation of cordic algorithm with posits. The cordic algorithm is also modified based on our CF-2020 paper, "Approximating Trigonometric Functions for Posits Using the CORDIC Method."
- Prerequisite: our cordic algorithm uses the SoftPosit library to compute posit expressions.
- Install SoftPosit
$ git clone
$ cd SoftPosit/build/Linux-x86_64-GCC/
$ make
$ cd ../../..
- Set the following environment:
export SOFTPOSITPATH = <path to SoftPosit directory>
- Download and build CordicWithPosits
git clone
cd CordicWithPosit
- Test CordicWithPosits
export SOFTPOSITPATH = <path to SoftPosit directory>
cd example
You should see the program output sin(1), cos(1), and tan(2/1).
Our cordic library is built in lib/lib_cordic.a and header file is in include/cordic.h. To compile the program using our cordic library, you also have to include the SoftPosit library. Please refer to the source file and Makefile in the example directory.