Studying the dynamics of a Quadcopter and implementation of control algorithms on the same.
- Study of Quadcopter Dynamics and 3D rotations
- Altitude control of a 1D Quadcopter
- 2D trajectory tracking using PID controller
- 3D trajectory tracking using PID controller
- Simulink modelling of Quadcopter
- PID on the Quadcopter model
- Linear Quadratic Regulator(LQR) on the Quadcopter
- Comparison of PID and LQR control system on the Quadcopter
Following resources were used for dynamics study:
- Robotics: Aerial Robotics, by UPenn
- Euler Quaternions PDF
- Visualizing Quaternions
- State Space, by MATLAB Tech Talks
- Dynamic modeling, Simulation and PID controller of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle UAV
- Modelling and Stabilizing Control laws design based on Backstepping for an UAV type Quadrotor
- Lecture Notes
Our goal was to track the given two dimensional trajectories while minimising the position error.
Our goal was to track the given three dimensional trajectories while minimising the position error.
- Dynamics Study of the Quadcopter according to the paper Modelling and Stabilizing Control laws design based on Backstepping for an UAV type Quadrotor
- Linearized the equations around hovering point.
- Developed the linear simulink model of Quadcopter[Simulink Model]
Our goal was to implement PID and LQR controller on the Simulink model of Quadcopter and compare them
Minimum Snap trajectory following(Desired Path: Yellow, Obtained Output: Blue)
Minimum Snap trajectory following(Desired Path: Yellow, Obtained Output: Blue)
Here, we will compare error during the trajectory tracking