All code goes into src/ All cad models goes into models/
We will be using CMake for the build system. I will be making a readme on how to use CMake later on.
We will be using C++11/C++14 for the programming language, but we won't be using advanced features.
We will be planing on using unit testing later on.
The project plan is in google docs.
The IP for the pi is
###Week 1 Checklist
- Ben and Harshita: Write plan
- Ben: Check all have signed plan
- Mohsen: Assist with chassis design
- Rupert: Setup team github repository
- Ryan: Learn how to use CAD
####Week 1 Review (24th Apil 2016)
- This weeks task's were all completed
- We have set goals for next week (Week 2 Checklist)
- All up to date files on Github (Woot! We made our first real code commit today!)
- All team members were at the week's lab
- Everyone has signed the AVC plan.
- Everyone submitted the AVC group plan
###Week 2 Checklist
- All: Write background section
Ben: Organise team meeting - Ben: Create report template
- Ryan, Mohsen and Milan: Create chassis design
- Rupert and Harshita: Read about networking to open gate
- Rupert and Harshita: Write code to open gate
####Week 2 Review (1st May 2016)
- This week was mid-tri break so we had a break
- Ben made the report template and shared it with the group
- Rupert and Harshita wrote the code to open the gate
- We decided that we didn't need to have a group meeting this week
- We have set goals for next week (Week 3 Checklist)
###Week 3 Checklist
- All: Write their parts of the report (This week and next)
- Ben: Update weekly checklist for last two weeks, and organise team meetings to ensure we are not lagging behind`
- Mohsen: 3D print the corner piece to be able to put the RPi on its side
- Rupert and Harshita: Write code to move the the robot in a straight line
- Ryan: Solder the motor wires
- Milan: Decide on chassis design with help of the rest of the group
####Week 3 Review (8th May 2016)
- All team members have completed their tasks, we have finally made some real progress!
- Noone has started the writing of their sections of the report, but must be finished by Friday next week so it can be edited over the weekend
- Mohsen actually found a corner piece and this way we have the option to both place the RPi horizontally and vertically
- We had a problem with our RPi not working but after some work and help from Arthur we got it working
- We have set goals for next week (Week 4 Checklist)
- We have agreed that getting the code written and implemented and finishing the progress report is the most important task for next week
- All members attended the lab and all members attended atleast one of the 2 meetings we had
###Week 4 Checklist
All: Complete the draft for their section of the progress report by Friday -
Ben: Proof read the report over the weekend, to be ready for hand in on Monday - Rupert: Write code for line following and implement it
- Harshita: Help Rupert write the code and ensure it is properly laid out, in terms of methods etc.
- Mohsen: Help people who are stuck with report writing, and help Milan and Mohsen to create a design to hold the IR sensors
- Milan: Create IR sensor CAD design with Ryan and Mohsen
- Ryan: Create IR sensor CAD design with Milan and Mohsen
####Week 4 Review(15th May 2016)
- Half way through the week we got told that the report was actually an individual task, not a group task. This meant that a lot of the team members had jobs related to the report writing, and as the report is such a big project, a lot of the work done this week was regarding the report writing.
- We found a 3D printed piece to connect the IR sensor and it fit perfectly.
- We have set goals for next week (Week 5 Checklist)
- We have all realised that we do not have much time left and we have to prioritse testing and debugging code.
- We uploaded a picture of the robot to GitHub and all relevant code is commited.
- All members attended the lab and all attended atleast one of our 2 group meetings.
- All members have completed and submitted their progress report.
- We wrote the analysePicture.cpp and movement.cpp code
###Week 5 Checklist
- Harshita and Rupert: Improve analysePicture.cpp code and movement.cpp code to ensure the robot follows the line properly.
- Ben: Help err'body
- Rupert, Milan and Mohsen: Complete chassis design.
###Weekly Progress Checklist
- How has each team member performed against their goal set last week?
- Have you set a goal for each team member for this/next week?
- Has the team discussed which tasks are the most important or urgent?
- Do any team members need more help to complete their assigned task(s)?
- Have you updated the task list on Github this week?
- Are all relevant code, bot photos and design files on the team Github?
- Have you noted which members attended labs and team meetings?
- Have team members shared their draft report sections (if the team decided they wanted to do that)?
- Are there any tasks that need to be done for progress tp be made that have NOT been assigned to a team member?